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Is It Depression? Bipolar? OCD? Anxiety? Complete and Utter Madness? Help!

WanderingGeek January 31st, 2016

On and off for around four years, I've felt sad, guilty, anxious, awkward, and just not right. Even I feel this way throughout most of the day, there are times when I'm doing something that I love or am out with friends and feel perfectly okay. I've also been compulsively picking at my skin for three to four years. For maybe the past year or so, I've been even more of a perfectionist than usual, and it makes my schoolwork difficult because I feel the urge to write and write to make sure I've covered everything in my answers. For the same amount of time, I've had thoughts of suicide, although I have to no desire or intention to go through with any of them. A few months ago, I started getting very nervous and having feelings of dread at night.

I'm wondering what all of this means. I'm most worried about having depression, although I'm not sure if that's possible, since I've had these symptoms so long and they temporarily lift at times. Could I have depression? Bipolar? OCD? Anxiety? Or am I just going insane? Please help!

Dauntless98 February 1st, 2016

@WanderingGeek hello there! Don't worry much. I am 17 year old who had experienced clinical depression for about 3 months in summer 2015. I have overcome it but I still get dark days where i get panic attacks and have 0 interest in everything around me. And I'm writing you this message to relieve my panic attack that i just had before bedtime last night. I honestly believe that it's okay to feel down because this makes happy days more happy and cherished

WanderingGeek OP February 1st, 2016

@Dauntless98 I've never thought of sadness making good days even better in comparison, but I guess it's true. I hope you're feeling better after your panic attack! <3

AnaPhoenix45 January 31st, 2016

Don't stress yourself to much love, I am experiencing the same right now, I am pretty confused myself, but it really does help to talk to someone about your situation. I feel really depressed on some days, and then I become really perfect the next. Don't over stress yourself, as long you are not hurting yourself or actually attempted suicide. But like if you thought about it but never attempted anything then it's a most likely a mild depression situation. Well, that's what my social worker said. It actually helps to talk to someone professional or someone you trust the most. I know so, it helps a lot, it feels like a huge amount of weight has been lifted! But wish you the best! Xoxo Remember you're not alone! Take care! <3

WanderingGeek OP January 31st, 2016

@AnaPhoenix45 Thank you! At least I know I'm not going completely nuts. And maybe I'll try talking to someone today. :)

ladylazarus1971 January 31st, 2016

I would suggest that it may be less important to worry about labeling what is happening to you than it is to find a way to deal with it. There are so many ways to approach what's going on with you, in fact, some have been posted by the members above.

Take deep breaths, be brave, and tackle what you can do to make you feel better. It takes a lot of strength to face these problems head on, so keep reminding yourself how strong you are as you make little and big steps.

And 7 Cups is always here for you! Good luck, sweetheart.

WanderingGeek OP February 1st, 2016

@ladylazarus1971 thank you!