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I am not sure

lilylovelace June 22nd, 2017

Hello. I'm new to this group. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but the past few months have been rough, i was told that i might also have depresssion (haven't asked my doctor about that yet). I am not sure, and i do not want to assume. So, I tried online tests (the more legit looking type) and they say there's a high possibility that i am. Im also not sure if thinking about death ( ie. how am i going to die, what if i die today, what if i drink all of my anxiolytics) is considered suicidal already. But i admit to self harming, even way back when i was in highschool. I can't talk to my parents because they're not as open about this issue and they'll just scold me for thinking that way. I can't tell my doctor about it because i'm scared, everytime i try to my tongue just roll back. Aside from that, i feel like i'm too aware that maybe i'm just making it up and jut overthinking and it actually isn't true.

I still am a student, and it bothers me, 'cause if i return back to school (and i hate school) it will become a lot worst, i might do something to myself, Please help me. I'm sorry if this is all overthe place and messy

AnnaKateMillerLCSW June 22nd, 2017

@lilylovelace I'm so glad you reached out. I'm one of the therapist on 7 cups and one of the liaisions for the depression commuinty. I know it must be scary to have these thoughts and deal with all this and feel alone. But you aren't alone! Please reach out to your doctor. They have to keep it a secret and most doctors have many patients with deperssion. Its a physical condition which can be treated. And finally please consider being active in the community, find a good listener or look into a thearpist. Please take care of yourself!