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I always have this feeling that I'm never going to be loved

User Profile: glamn00dles
glamn00dles March 11th, 2021

I always feel as though I am not quite loved in the manner I'd like to be. I always feel this void in life as though i deserve to be loved by the men I choose and decide is right for me, even if they're just friends. I want to be able to form relations with people that could stay in my life for good, not people who will abandon me and leave me. This is a really important thing for me in life in order for me to move forward with a lot that has happened and transpired in life. I also wish there would be people that come along in my life and they could make things so much easier for me in a sense of me understanding who cares for me and help me through the disassters and even save me from some because I've gone through some awful disasters.

How do you cope with feeling abandoned, not loved?

User Profile: FoolsSelf
FoolsSelf March 11th, 2021

Narcissists and other emotionally abusive, manipulative people force us into learning distrust. And distrust strikes me as the cruelest kind of loneliness. It isn't our fault that we get into those kinds of relationships. But we do need to learn the tools that can help alert us that someone may only be self-interested. Although I have given the topic of distrust a lot of thought, I don't know how not to. I never had any concerns about this before a mild TBI. But now I attract women who seem very loving, but are quite the opposite. And I too wonder if I'll have a relationship like the one I had for 2 decades. Maybe just asking the question 'How can I learn to trust again?' is part of the process out of loneliness. I wish I had answers for you. I hope that question is something useful to you. Like any tool, if it is not useful then find other tools that help. I wish you well.