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How do you feel about being called ‘sick’.

miraculousSnow1503 March 14th, 2021

Hello, I hope you’re all well. I was just wondering as someone living with a mental illness how you feel about being called sick. Personally, that s how I would refer to myself particularly if I was going through a bad patch but I referred to someone I was under the impression suffered from depression as ‘sick’ and really hit a nerve. I was mortified but as that’s language I use for myself I did it without thinking. I don’t want to offend anyone again and was wondering a) how you felt about being called ‘sick’ and b) what language is more appropriate? Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. All the best!

calmCake1350 March 14th, 2021

Hi @miraculousSnow1503, greetings. I think there’s nothing wrong with the word sick itself; it rather depends on the context someone calls us sick. Regarding medical staff and close family, I believe that acknowledgment is good, because everyone one needs a bit of compassion. That’s why, in the hospital, the staff tend to treat us like children and I find that really comforting. Just like here, at 7 Cup, when someone offers a hug, etc., it warms my heart. If a person is suffering they are entitled to call themselves sick or ill and be treated with extra care and respect. So, I personally, don’t mind that (I suffer from panic disorder). It really depends on the context and the person who is addressing you. Much love 💕

miraculousSnow1503 OP March 14th, 2021


Thank you for sharing your opinion and personal experience! I appreciate that. It really helps to know how other people regard their illness.