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How do I know??

User Profile: dedeee7
dedeee7 December 8th, 2019

So I have been feeling off for quite while now, getting extremely irritable for no reason, getting like ''depressive'' episodes and then going to being really happy and talkative. I don't think there would be anything extreme or anything at all, but I still wonder. Thats what ended me up here, I started reading up on it, doing online tests, almost all said moderate depression or bipolar. Obviously that doesn't say I do or don't but its still led me to wonder. It also makes me worry, because I feel that if i tell someone they will think I am acting dramatic or I will be judged, especially if it turns out I dont have anything wrong with me, that its just in my head. Or its just because I am a teenager and I wont be taken seriously. This has been on my mind and I am kind of afraid. I know it is dumb for making such a big deal, I just really needed to get this off my chest and some input from other people. Please tell me what you think.


User Profile: grillme
grillme December 8th, 2019


How about me, who I am a teenager and a kid forever with my moods and stuff?...can they cure me for forever wanting to be young at heart and in spirit and free and acting up and moody? Bipolar, multiple personalities, adhd, etc...they can label me all they want but simply I mever wanted to grow up...and I never will...

User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie December 9th, 2019

@dedeee7 I am not an expert, but I'll tell you what I think Winking

I think feeling depressed sometimes and feeling really happy and talkative sometimes, if they are not extreme, mean there is nothing wrong with you. If you had no feelings and were emotionally flat all the time that would be a concern.

The key word is "extreme". There is no precise definition of what that means, and experts disagree about it. I would suggest that if depression or talkativeness interferes with your relationships with other people in the long term, that could be a sign of something wrong. For example, if you get so depressed that people tell you that you need help, or if you get so talkative that people give you funny looks and ignore you.

Another useful question, I think, is whether you get depressed or happy for a reason. If there's never any reason, then that could be a sign of something worth seeking advice about. Like, if something bad happens and you get really happy, then something good happens and you get depressed, that would indicate that your moods are not working in the usual way.

The tests that you can find online are all difficult to interpret accurately. Some of them have been designed to market drugs (although they don't always make that clear) and so they tend to be more alarming than they should be.

If you'd ever like to chat about all this, feel free to click on my profile picture and message me.


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User Profile: dedeee7
dedeee7 OP December 9th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie, thanks for giving your insight on this, do you think I actually should seek help or just see where it goes?

1 reply
User Profile: RarelyCharlie
RarelyCharlie December 9th, 2019

@dedeee7 As I said before, I think if your changing moods interfere with your relationships, or if you can't understand the reason for them, then it might be good to talk to a professional.

I've only just read your second post here, which I somehow missed before, the one where you say that you do experience both those things. So, putting all that together, yes, talking to a professional seems appropriate.

You are not being "dumb for making such a big deal", by the way. You are asking reasonable questions about what's going on.


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