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Depression or Laziness?

User Profile: xlibbyx
xlibbyx February 19th, 2015

I often wonder if what I'm experiencing is a part of my depression, or if I'm just lazy. Is there a way to tell the difference?

User Profile: SilentK808
SilentK808 February 19th, 2015

I kind of get what you're saying. My laziness left me thinking about things I could have done or should have done and how I wasted my days. This made me feel down and took away any sense of fulfillment. Likewise, feeling down made me feel unmotivated to do anything with my life. It is a vicious cycle repeating over and over again. It wasn't until I started to do the things I wanted to do that I started feeling better about myself, like my heart was healing. I'm not sure if you are experiencing the same thing, but I always encourage pursuing your dreams and taking risk. It all starts when you get out of bed. When it comes to the difference between depression and laziness, I think laziness is self inflicted and can be easily curable; and depression is a medical condition that may require more treatment. If you feel hopeless just remember you always have help available; if you need a hobby, try to share it with someone and they can motivate you to get up and go. How this helps. -K

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User Profile: xlibbyx
xlibbyx OP February 22nd, 2015

Thanks- that was helpful.

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User Profile: Journeyer
Journeyer February 19th, 2015

I have had these thoughts as well. I think that depression often strips away motivation, and while I'm all for relaxing, I also think that trying to do anything productive is a good way to fight depression. :) So I would say a lot of the time peoplemistake depression for laziness.

User Profile: sheknight
sheknight February 22nd, 2015

I often feel like this too. I wonder is it depression or am I just lazy? I do lack motivation to do things. I often feel like what's the point?

User Profile: 5Candles
5Candles February 22nd, 2015

All of this has ripped the thoughts from my head.

User Profile: sashacass
sashacass March 2nd, 2015

I feel like this a lot too. In the period between Christmas and New Year I had a lot of motivation to do certain things like writing a novel and taking online courses with FutureLearnbut sinceJanuary, when I was due to start them, it's all just..gone. Especially since early February, I've been feeling pretty crap for the last month. I know I am being lazy but my brain keeps telling me "what's the point, it's a waste of time" so I don't end up doing those things that I was so looking forward to doing at one stage!