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Can an SSRI work immediately?

KatieMoon1 May 13th, 2017

I know we aren't experts in this so just looking for anyone who has had a similar experience. I started taking a medication yesterday to help with symptoms and to help me cope. I was warned it could give me energy before I start to feel better. But this was weird. Now, I am sure it started to work right away. Maybe that's a placebo effect, but I can guarantee you that my head and body felt different. (And I do got that the placebo affect is valid and sometimes is all you need for something to help you.) But, I almost felt like I was taking an illicit drug because the feeling was so profound and markedly different. Colours were different, sounds different and more noticeable - the feeling of my body in own skin, like my mind was somehow pulled back into my body after having floated around outside of it for months. My speech felt rapid and goddess I laughed so hard at someone's joke. Really bizzare.

Ive taken many medications before, but this was over 15 years ago. I don't ever remember them working for me or as quickly so I am kind of shocked and a little skeptical that this is going to last. I'm curious to see how today goes. (The Mer is [Specific drug name edited by Forum mod ladylazarus1971] btw.) Any thoughts?

sujaypai May 13th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 Hey Katie. Not an expert and certainly not on Meds. [specific drug name edited out by Forum mod ladylazarus1971] just like any SSRI out there works for some and doesn't for some others. So it's efficacy is pretty much random. But many people who take it do feel better after using it almost immediately for some it takes about a month or two for the effect to show. I am glad if that is working for you immediately. [specific dosage details edited out by Forum mod ladylazarus1971] Work in tandem with your doctor on the recommended dose only and adjust whenever you and your doctor feel necessary.

KatieMoon1 OP May 13th, 2017


Thank you for your response. It's the minimum dose right now, for the first month. I have read that if it's the right medication for you that you may feel the effects right away. Also, if you've felt unwell for a long time and you are in tune with how your body feels maybe that is also why. I have been unwell since I was a child, though it comes and goes in waves. I'm going to give it a try and hope it keeps working.

sujaypai May 14th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 I am so sorry Katie. That has been such a long time you have been battling it. I would agree with you on the immediate effect being more pronounced as a result of you being more in tune with your body. May be a sudden presence of serotonin is actually giving a more pronounced effect for you. Now whether the effects are real or placebo is something very difficult to tell unless it is done in a research setting where one group is given an SSRI and another a placebo pill telling them it's an SSRI and then measure the effects. All I am glad is it is working for you and in couple of months hopefully it will stabilise your mood.

KatieMoon1 OP May 15th, 2017

@sujaypai - Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I still do feel different and I know it's changing my mind/body because it's altered my sleep significantly. It's harder to fall asleep and my dreams are much more vivid and easier to remember. I also wake up suddenly from sleep and feel instantly awake. It's really bizzare because I rarely, if ever woke up feeling that way.

I do think that the intensity of that feeling I wrote about has levelled out a little bit, but overall still feels different. Anyway, hopefully this means it's the right one for me and I won't have to go bouncing around to another one in 4 weeks. Ugh.

Aeg May 14th, 2017


I felt different a day after starting to take SSRI, but I think it was mostly a placebo effect. I had wanted to go on them for so long, and then when I did I was just so ready for anything to get better, even a little bit. After about 3 weeks I noticed my moods stabilized a lot. I asked my doctor and he said what I experienced the few days was not the SSRI. Sometimes, I got a bit dizzy during the first week too. I hope they work for you, either now or in a few weeks. Good luck and much support!

KatieMoon1 OP May 15th, 2017

@Aeg - Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I hope that they continue working for you so well.

I do think that my mind feels different, but it could be just some distance from some feelings that were going on at the time, or it could be that they've given me a boost of energy. One thing is for sure, it's changed my ability to fall asleep easily and most certainly has changed my dreams so that I remember them more and they are intensely vivid. I'm concerned about having nightmares!

lovefully May 17th, 2017

@KatieMoon1. It is definitely a good idea to keep track of your symptoms and tell your psychiatrist of the medication effects. Every indivudual is different! So glad that it is helping and changing your senses, sounds like a nice breath of fresh air :). From my limited knowledge, SSRIs should take a few weeks to be effective. I do know that if someone with bipolar is misdiagnosed and given an antidepressant (SSRI) then it can actually precipitate mania. Mania is when there is increased activity or energy for at least one week, including less need for sleep, talkative pressured speech, agitation/irritable/nervous energy, racing thoughts, grandiosity, distractiability, decreased regard for comsequences. So, stay in tune with your body and keep track of your symptoms! :) You know your body best!

KatieMoon1 OP May 17th, 2017


Thanks for your response. I think the initial effects have levelled out and I don't feel as euphoric. I'm aware that they can sometimes precipitate an episode of mania so I am writing down things as they come up for me, emotional responses and side effects. But since the initial response has subsided I am not too concerned about that. I will keep it in mind when we have to increase the dose.

I did talk to my therapist about it and she reported that she's had many clients who respond immediately to medication. So she was not surprised by my initial reaction to it.

In the past few days I certainly have not felt the huge highs and lows that I have been feeling for the past year, so I am encouraged that it's working for me. I know that is a short amount of time to make a judgement so I'm keeping track of it.

lovefully May 17th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 I'm glad to hear that! You seem very informed and proactive :). It is great! Thank you for your initiative to start this thread. It's interesting to see how medications can affect everyone differently, and some people have to adjust doses or change medications to finally get the right one for them. It is a very indiivdualized thing, and starting any sort of psychotropic drug is intimidating. 7 cups is here to support you!! Good luck, and keep it up! <3

KatieMoon1 OP May 18th, 2017


No problem. :) I am still adjusting to this new found feeling and I can't explain it. It's like my thoughts have slowed down dramatically and it almost feels a bit lonely in my head.

It's like I have a toddler who's quiet but is really getting into trouble when I'm not looking! Haha!

I miss the highs that came along with the lows, even when the lows were so awful.

i guess it will all take time to adjust and find a new normal.

sujaypai May 18th, 2017

@lovefully I agree with you lovefully. SSRI in case of Bipolar is not ideal and suggested with caution. Primarily mood stabilizers is something that is suggested in those cases. Prescription in case of mental health is very case specific and depends a lot on the patient himself, his symptoms, co-morbid and various interlinked factors. So there is no over the counter here and for doctor also he has to check on what works for somebody so meds keep changing till you find the right one.

ladylazarus1971 May 13th, 2017

@KatieMoon1 and @sujaypai
I am glad you are interacting in this new thread, and finding ways to support each other! That's always fantastic to see.
Just be cautious, please, to refrain from going into any detail about specific drug names and doses. That is not allowed under 7 Cups guidelines.
But, that doesn't mean you can't continue to discuss this important issue, and that others shouldn't join in. Doing that is eactly what the Forum is about!
Nice to meet you both.

sujaypai May 14th, 2017

@ladylazarus1971 Thanks Lazarus for the edit. Will keep that in mind.

KatieMoon1 OP May 15th, 2017


Oi! Sorry about that. It's been a while since I read the guidelines - I shall have to review them! Thanks for catching it! :D


Every person is different in terms of body chemistry and even age comes into it. Generally speaking you are looking at 2-4 weeks for you to notice a difference if it is going to work at all, perhaps 5 weeks for some. If you are on a pill for 2 months or so and nothing is better or God forbid worse, it is not the right med for you. I have been on 40 in my day. surprise

CoinFountain May 17th, 2017

If you're feeling suicidal being on the correct dose can quickly (in a matter of only a few days) make you feel less like wanting to die but to feel the FULL effect can take a few months because it will eventually gather enough of the drug in your bloodstream to maintain consistent serotonin level. I was on a dose slightly too high at first which made the side effects unbearable but after cutting dose in half with my doctor's approval I started to regain some energy and didn't feel like dying.