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selfdisciplinedMango2473 November 25th, 2021

I don't understand why people always think everything is about them. And that the world revolves around them.

halcyonCloud2036 November 25th, 2021


I hear you. I have people like that in my life too. I try to keep my distance, it is way to frustrating to try to help them understand that NOT everything is about them

selfdisciplinedMango2473 OP November 26th, 2021

Ya it can get quite annoying when they do that. Yes I try to do the same to distand myself as well sometimes its hard because at times they can be such a good friend and then all of a sudden everything is all about them. I just don't get it.

kindcherry2 November 25th, 2021


I understand. I've met people like that before. And it's hard to tell them not to just think about themselves. I understand how lonely it is when nobody thinks about you. We're here for you and we care about your feelings.

selfdisciplinedMango2473 OP November 26th, 2021

You are absolutely right it is hard to tell them that because its like they don't even understand it. Yes it does get very lonely. Thank you I appreciate that.