Please help me
I am a girl who will study electronic engineering (I'm studying for my first exam) and I really need a friend. I feel so lonely and left out for my "friends" who share completely different types of interests
I love tech and stuff, huge k-pop fan, marvel fan, anime lover and tennis player
I just need someone to talk with about how was the day or stuff like that, I started to do more cringy thing than usual (like crying for nothing in front of everyone) and I also need to share something with that person
Sorry for my negative stuff but I can do it anymore
Hello Samantha, I have no idea how to contact you through direct messaging, but I want you to know that I am a tech enthusiast especially for new products that I follow and building PC’s, I like anime and I do play tennis. Nice to meet you!
Hi!! I love kpop, marvel, and anime as well! Feel free to chat in the dms about any of these! What are some of your favourite groups and anime?
Hi! I'm a k-pop fan. I'm not into tech to much as I want but my sister does, so I know I little things about it. I'm into med stuff but if you feel interested you can talk to me !!
omg your vibe matches mine just i m studying computer scripts and energinerring rest all same love to be your friend
@Samantha0011, I am here, we can be friends, we don't share a lot of interests but we can have a talk about how our days go, etc, we might even need each other for advice or school things I am a student as well.
@Samantha0011 Hey you can always text I'm also a first year electronic engineering student
Hi :) I think I can help you, we don’t have the same interests but it’ll work I think. ☺️
Hey Samantha I share commodity interest like you ,all here to be your friend
@Samantha0011 Heya! I'm an engineering student myself. I guess I share some interests with you, if not all... but I'd love to hear you out... And it's alright to vent and let your emotions out, you know... Crying is not cringy <3 We're here to talk whenever you want.