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Once upon a connection

MellowMoonlight May 4th, 2023

talking about how i feel and to do it for so many people to read feels wrong to me. But truthfully I really miss what it feels like to look at someone and understand them beyond the surface. I miss someone looking at me and understanding me deeper than what meets the eye. Being able to sit and just enjoy their presence. No words, nothing, just their beautiful being. I miss that.

i find it so difficult to connect with anyone. While I see others do it so effortlessly.

its frustrating.

so for a second I want to read yalls stories. If anyone here has had what I described, tell me about it. Tell me about them. What it felt like. What about them brought you peace if at all.

wojiaozly123 May 6th, 2023

Thank you so much for your post, as you have already made the first step of connection! 🎉 I totally understand how you feel because I myself also have trust issues and I am usually scared of people hurting me; however, I think journaling and making online connections are best ways to start with, as they are more controllable and you can do it in a safe manner. 🪷

I use 7Cups a lot to journal, post and reply to others, and I really have gotten so much support from here! I am here to listen and I hope writing things down can help you move forward on your journey 🙏🏻

MellowMoonlight OP May 7th, 2023

@wojiaozly123 thank you :) i will make the attempt. Just so much easier to cope in unhealthy ways but this feels like the better option.

bestVase7265 May 7th, 2023

We are all so lonely right now. Everyone is struggling to relearn how to make connections to one another. Anyone who looks like it easy is probably lying about it.

My story: I suffer from major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder. I probably had it as a teenager and was not diagnosed then. I then had a major episode that started about 8 years ago. I really struggled for about 4-5 years. Recently though I have been doing pretty well, but I am still quite aware that I can go into that hole again at any point.@MellowMoonlight

MellowMoonlight OP May 7th, 2023

@bestVase7265 I really feel that. For me I slipped into a dark place like 9 years ago for literally 4ish years maybe and ever since it’s been up and down up and down constantly. So I understand how *** the feeling of what seems like the inevitable drop can be. Thank you for sharing w me :)

bestVase7265 May 8th, 2023

But I do drop much more rarely now. Getting out and walking and joining a few groups (finding a little outside community) has really helped me. @MellowMoonlight

MellowMoonlight OP May 8th, 2023

@bestVase7265 I’m glad to hear that. Having people to lean on can really make the world of the difference. Tbh that’s why I downloaded this app

bestVase7265 May 9th, 2023

You are going to find what you are looking for again. Here is a good place to start doing that.

How was your day today?@MellowMoonlight

MellowMoonlight OP May 9th, 2023

Hey @bestVase7265 today was pretty decent actually. I was somewhat productive. I actually got out of bed and worked out, cut my brothers hair, cleaned, applied to jobs. So it was chill but I’m happy I at least got out of bed

how was your day?

bestVase7265 May 10th, 2023

That sounds like a great list of accomplishments. You should be happy with yourself. Keep it up.

My day was okay. I had a bad moment in the middle of it when I received a text from someone that I don't want to communicate with anymore, but then right after that I read a very nice paper. So things ended up fine.