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I took too long

darkiya April 28th

I took too long to get better
I'm not what you want me to be
depression holds me by a tether
refusing to let me be free

You heard me the first time
when I tried to explain the darkness
that haunts me for a lifetime
I see you're done with forgiveness

This burden you lay with claims of love
because they come with expectation
I stop with the same excuses you're sick of
my absence is my own damnation

The path I walk it has no map
a dark and wild mental path
with pitfalls and vicious traps
hunted by my own self wrath

But I've been a disappointment far too long
broken promises made on sunlit days
ate the guilt knowing it was wrong
swore again I would change my ways

I know I am not good enough
I can hear it in your tone
I'm sorry I walked away when it got too rough
and now I am alone

LittleSodo April 28th

Thanks for sharing. It is well written and glad you can get your feelings out.

SweetPea321 April 29th

I wrote a poem when I had gout.

Gout, Gout, Get tf out!

You make me wanna scream & shout

I drank too much on my night out

I'm also fat ,maybe that, no doubt

Is why I got the effing Gout!

tearstruck April 29th

well written and relatable 🩶