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I cant see someone i care about and it feels so isolating

User Profile: Nick8876
Nick8876 May 17th, 2018

I wish with all my heart i could see my girlfriend right now. But i cant. I cant because she still lives under her parents roof and they hate my guts because i didnt make a perfect first impression, and i have views they dont agree with. Im basically banned from her house, they watch her every move, ans treat her like a child even thougb shes 20. 20. Freaking 20.

They found out weve been intimate and had sex a few times (im 22 shes 20). Were both in school and we both room with our parents, but there is such a stark difference between them that it is plain ridiculous.

Ive never held any intent to harm her. Weve always talked about major stuff and decisions before we made them. We like to discuss real topics and issues. We take steps to be safe with each other. We dont force each other to do anything. And its no where near enough for them. Im just an obstacle to them that needs to be avoided.

At this point in time, i dont care what they think of me. They can both kiss my ass in that regard. I just hate how they lock her up and control her so much.

User Profile: thoughtfulPillow12
thoughtfulPillow12 May 21st, 2018

Hello! Thank you for sharing your story. Missing someone we love can make us feel very lonely indeed. No other social interaction can fill up so great a gap.

How is your situation so far? Have you considered talking to someone (could be a friend, a listener, or a counselor) about what possible solutions there are? Since of course her parents have a claim to be in her life, so there might be a way to convince/compromise with them that you can come up with. Discussing this with someone who cares would help.

Best of luck

1 reply
User Profile: Nick8876
Nick8876 OP June 6th, 2018


Im afraid not. They dont want to talk to me at all. I still text and stay in touch with her. Its just hard. We talked about it, and were both willing to wait

Ive had too many good experiences from my relationship with her just to turn my back on it. Im not giving in.

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