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Finally realizing just how lonely I feel

AnonymousBear May 30th, 2021

As absurd as it sounds, this revelation was brought on by reading a visual novel. Before I started it I wasn't exactly happy, but at least I wasn't painfully aware as I am now. After finishing it i'm starting to realize just how alone I feel even around the very few people I do know. I don't have anyone I can just completely break down on, no one who I feel will physically be there for me. The worst part is I cant actually see it changing either. I'm an absolute mess and don't even want to be around myself some days. I have been trying to make some improvements but it just feels meaningless. Almost as if I missed my chance to meet someone.

FlourishingDimensions June 2nd, 2021

Hi there @AnonymousBear

I don’t think this sounds absurd. It’s not easy to feel some of these feelings and go through some of these emotions.

Maybe it gave you a different point of view or perspective? I am not sure if that is what you are experiencing, but I know I have experienced that before and it’s well, uncomfortable… sometimes it’s overwhelming.

Perhaps it takes strength to be able to be willing and able to look at ourselves in this way, so that is why you were even able to? Especially when it makes a person feel uncomfortable? Maybe those are the times we are able to open our eyes and change, heal, or grow if we need to? What are your thoughts on that?

I found myself at 7 Cups for my own journey and I can tell you it has helped me immensely. I’ll leave some links here in case they are of interest, some of these are quick guides or training. They are of good quality. After posting all of these links, I hesitated, because I thought maybe this was, “information overload”, but I was thinking it sounds like maybe you are an avid reader and I think this wouldn’t be too much to post, maybe? If it is, I was thinking it's here to pick through, in case any of them are of interest.

spicypepper2319 June 2nd, 2021

Hey @AnonymousBear I understand this completely and I feel like I’m in the same place you are and I wish I had some advice to give you but unfortunately I don’t. But I want to say I hope you do find your BFF or who ever you are hoping for I understand life can be a kick in the ass but I know there is sunshine at the end of every rainstorm so it’ll eventually be okay just keep looking for the sun behind the clouds or maybe just kinda sit in the rain and feel it and acknowledge it and let it move through you so then maybe you can figure out what is your first step to maybe finding a new friend.

liquidfuse June 2nd, 2021

There is always hope, hope for a new day, time chances things, we don’t always change without some bold strides in a different direction. You need to do things that make you happy whether you have someone next to you or not. What are you passionate about, find people that are as passionate about certain things as you are and go from there. Be patient and go easy on yourself!