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Defeated By Dreams

User Profile: AmbivalentGrin
AmbivalentGrin March 12th, 2022

One of my more magnitudinal issues is coping with the racing thoughts of being single, unwanted, invaluable in the romance/dating paradigm, etc. etc.

This morning I woke up from a dream where I met a lovely woman who was attracted to me. Of course I had to wake up, and keeping the racing thoughts at bay has been challenging.

Is there anyone here who knows how this feels? How do you pick yourself back up? How do you tell yourself, "I'm worth love and affection" when no one looks at you in that way?

My inquiry is not limited to those questions. Any help in the form of instructional action would be great. Cliche/Nice words aren't that helpful for me.

User Profile: Jaeteuk
Jaeteuk March 12th, 2022

Being single myself, once in a while I have some dreams where I meet a guy where he falls in love with me. In the dream, I'm playing hard to get, but when deep down, I have feelings for the guy as well. I usually always wake up before we go on our first date.

At 35, I often worry that I'll be single for life. Since I think about this a lot, it results in dreaming about meeting my potential husband. With myself, my racing thoughts all refer to being afraid that I'll never find a husband, and how lonely & sad my life would be alone. As much as I've lost the majority of hope in having a significant other, I also hold onto a thread of hope that I WILL one day meet someone. In the meantime, I let my dreams satisfy my hopes.

Don't be discouraged. Believe that we all deserve to be loved, that there will be a time and place where we meet that special someone we'll spend the rest of our lives with. Hang in there~


User Profile: unintelligibleKiwi
unintelligibleKiwi March 12th, 2022

I get how you feel. I'm going through a very tough time right now as well. My boyfriend and I broke up with the intention of getting back together (it's a bit complicated, but it's ultimately because he was burnt out and such) and now he's back with his ex. Apparently they both still have feelings for each other and they want closure. I have been pushed out of his life for months...and I was left alone. He said so many hurtful things...and seeing her or them together is extremely triggering for me. I had to learn and tell myself that him being with her now doesn't mean that I'm a bad person. It doesn't mean anything bad about me. It's just him sorting things out with her. I've been working on self love a lot since the breakup. I've learned that there are certain days where I may feel different. Where I'll have negative thoughts. And...that's okay. I make sure to take note of it and understand that it will pass.

I know how it feels to be lonely. To not have anyone there...that even when you're crying in public with peers, few actually reach out and ask if you're okay. However, I've had days where I doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if other people don't see me, because I see myself. In those times, I feel so confident and powerful. People may not reach out to me much...they may not look my way, but I know my worth.

I know my value. I have made it past all the worst days in my life. I am still here now, and I have learned so much in my journey called life. Sometimes, I can't pick myself back up. Some days are tougher than others. Sometimes it feels like things won't ever things will stay bad forever. They don't, though. Things always get better. That's why I'm here now. Things have always gotten better after times where I feel like my life will always be overwhelming.

I have hope. I hope in my heart that great things will come soon. I push forward every day. One foot in front of the other. Some days my foot is dragging and heavy, but as long as I'm moving...everything is going to be okay. I don't know if I'm still going to have a relationship with my previous first boyfriend, but I know that I can face any obstacles that are thrown at me. I know that if we don't end up working out, there are many other wonderful people out there.

I'd say identifying triggers can really help. I wish you luck in this battle of yours!
