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ready to give up

DaveParkson94 April 9th, 2015

dont think i can cope much longer, diagnosed with depression and anxiety, faild unicause i couldnt face leaving the house, been stuck in here for a couple of years now, cant face doctors, family, friends have all given up on me, the only person who ever made me feel like someone wanted to help abandoned me when i needed them most. not really sure what the point is anymore

rhia96 April 9th, 2015

Hey why don't think of anything positive..failing is depressing but that's not life and depression can be overtaken think about what u like a lot :)

DaveParkson94 OP April 9th, 2015

thanks for advice, but theres not much that makes me happy anymore, havent been able to sleep in weeks due to pain, so even if i did get the corage to go do something id probably just colapse, thats no life

sunnyVillage6208 April 9th, 2015

Please don't give up!!! I too was diagnosed with depression, anxiety as well. I also have ADHD as well. I know what it's like to have many days where you can't get on with your daily schedule or goals because of symptoms associated with our issues. I've been in or am still sort of in a spot where my family and friends don't believe in/ have given up on me because of my lack of follow through with my goals. Also, I recently lost the one true friend who understood me and believed in me. I definitely understand your pain. Sometimes it's tough for those who do not deal with our type of issues to understand our daily struggles and what we are truly going through. Good news is, 7 cups of tea is a perfect place to find someone to vent to or talk through your problems. I just joined the 7cups community recently and have high hopes. Everyone seems very non-judgmental here and they truly want to help one another. Don't give up, keep pushing. Easier said than done, I know. But it's worth it, I promise.

DaveParkson94 OP April 9th, 2015

thanks for sharing that. i know theres loads of people out there going through the same thing but its nice to hear from someone who actually understands andhasn'tgiven up.

communicativeEast5754 April 9th, 2015

Don't think anything now.... Just take a shower go to bed, tomorrow is a new day

sunnyVillage6208 April 9th, 2015

No problem. There are a lot of days I feel that way as well, but it's important to just take step back and just breathe. Focus on what you want and what makes you happy.