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id recommend you never read this

BDRD July 10th, 2017

Other people, online or in videos, always seem to say their life improved after a suicide attempt. They found reasons to live or saw their life wasn't as bad as they thought. So wouldn't that mean if I try to kill myself things would get better? I'm no idiot, I can easily find a way that would make my body think it's going to die but that ultimately won't kill me. Hell, I've thought of at least 4 typing this. Of course, nothing else I've tried that helps other people help me, and most of my problems won't change if I did make an attempt. But still, you can't argue with results, and time and time again I people saying how their lives turned around after attempting suicide.

ivoryCamp1256 July 10th, 2017


I read your post. I dont know anything about you but please don't consider suicide. It doesn't make things easier it makes them harder for you.

ambitiousTalker2046 July 14th, 2017

I am sorry that you are going through this.