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help me with my crush

nikoszn1 September 10th, 2014

Alright so on april-may i was flirting with a girl,on may 12 i broke my leg and she was there and she said to my brother that she was crying all day for me,she even came to the hospital to see if im alright,while i was on the hospital we were texting all day and when i came back to home like 3-4 months ago we have lost contact. I want to call her but i dont know what to say to her

that happened like 3days ago. i had anxiety to call her.

i got over it and texted her hey Angelica we havent talked for a are you doing?

and she hasnt replied yet.

my friend chris called her via skype and she replied to the phone call.

there are 3options.

1.she ignored me 2.she doesnt have money deposited to her phone to call/text me.3their parents broke up like some years ago and they live seperatly and she is with her mom at the moment and she is really strict

what do you think

i want to call her but i have a lot of anxiety

can I start the converstation like this: hey angelica im nikos
i wanted to talk to you to know how are you doing
then i will ask her if she saw my text

but im confused how to continue it

nikoszn1 OP September 10th, 2014

update: i connected to a listener here and she helped me.

I texted her

hi angelica Im nick.i hope everything goes well.we stopped talking abruptly.You know i have been thinking of you all these days.I hope you are going good.I want to talk to you.expect if you dont have any time or you dont want to.As has i want to hear news from you

nikoszn1 OP September 10th, 2014

update: i connected to a listener here and she helped me.

I texted her

hi angelica Im nick.i hope everything goes well.we stopped talking abruptly.You know i have been thinking of you all these days.I hope you are going good.I want to talk to you.expect if you dont have any time or you dont want to.As has i want to hear news from you

nikoszn1 OP September 10th, 2014

update: i connected to a listener here and she helped me.

I texted her

hi angelica Im nick.i hope everything goes well.we stopped talking abruptly.You know i have been thinking of you all these days.I hope you are going good.I want to talk to you.expect if you dont have any time or you dont want to.As has i want to hear news from you

Ember September 12th, 2014

Awesome! I really hope it worked out! :)