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When your perception of life is seen through a filter of depression.........

faithfulTriangle3777 September 11th, 2015

I was thinking this morning about how I feel like I wasn't born with the correct faculties to handle modern civilization. Everything is so chaotic and busy. How can a human being be truly healthy and balanced in this world when there is not enough time for for relaxation, exercise and actually cooking meals. On the weekends, rather than enjoying life, we have errands to do at home, laundry, mowing the lawn and house cleaning. It seems impossible for me to make any changes in my life that will not make it seem like a continually chaotic, busy and overwhelming rat race.

The second problem is that I don't know if I feel this way because I am depressed and everything seems overwhelming or because it's actually true, or maybe it's a little of both. If it's a little of both, is it disproportionately reality or my warped view of reality.

I envy those who don't have this type of internal monologue playing in their heads all day.

September 11th, 2015

Hey there :) I guess there's both things included, that it's a bit true and that you're maybe focused on it because depressed people are focused only on bad aspects of life. What do you think about it ? I'm glad that you're aware of it, that is really important, problem would be if you aren't aware. I hope you'll be better soon! If you have some other question about depression or such, you can freely ask them here and now. :)

faithfulTriangle3777 OP September 11th, 2015

I can see that I focus on the negative, but most of the time I don't have the energy, motivation and desire to change my outlook. I'm just too tired to change anything about myself right now. All I have the energy to do is to analyze and assess my disfunctions, ur simply ruminate unproductively. I feel like my only option is to slog through life, get drunk every night and hope that excessive alcohol consumption will grant me an early death.

September 11th, 2015

I completely understand what you're saying. I feel the same in my depressive phases. Do you have a psychiatrist ?

emotionalNickel5337 September 11th, 2015

Hello. I'm new here. I suffer from depression and I've been prescribed antidepressants but that only made it worse. I tried to self medicate using wine but that too backfired rather badly.

September 11th, 2015

Hey there @emotionalNickel5337 :) Don't do that, it can be really dangerous! Antidepressants are actually making you worse for a week-two weeks, and then you'll recognize that you're feeling better. If you don't, then contact again your therapist/psychiatrist and he will give you a new medication. But don't give up on this journey, you already did a lot for yourself for seeking help, that's a big step, bravo :) I hope you'll feel better soon.

LS2k September 11th, 2015

I feel the same way !! I recognize myself in your text but I can't help you unfortunately.

faithfulTriangle3777 OP September 11th, 2015

I'm sorry your in the same boat, wish there was a cure for folks like us. Maybe in the futre they'll figure it out.

faithfulTriangle3777 OP September 11th, 2015

Ha ha, were definetly kindred spirits. Maybe we are just old souls who haven't quite adapted to modern civilization. I think people like us benefit immensely from being in nature(in fact, many studies show how nature hikes lower depression symptoms). I find backpacking so enjoyable for the peace, tranquility, simplicity and solitude. It's one of the last few things I truly enjoy in this world for that reason. The quite and peace re-engergizes me, in fact, it's the only thing that gives me energy (besides strong coffee).

Best of luck to you my friend, my day has been brightened just knowing there are others out there that feel exactly as I do.

NewRomantic677 September 13th, 2015

@faithfulTriangle3777 that was a beautifully written post that I personally found touching and bold to share. Sending you loads of love. heart