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What can I expect?

LilacOcean333 February 23rd, 2018

I'm 22 years old and could probably place some of my earliest depressive episodes around age 16. I've been trying to manage it better during the last few years but it takes so much effort sometimes just to be okay. I guess what I'm asking is does it get any easier? Will I still feel like garbage when I'm 40? How does depression affect you in different ways when you are older?

Booklover95 February 23rd, 2018


It does get better but usually with professional help.

Is hard to get the tools and figure things out all by ourselves. Because most of the times we need another perspectives to change the way we think and view things.

I've been struggling with depression since I was 10 and only now, at 22, is getting better. But is better because I finally started to get professional help.

Trust me, therapy does wonders. With a good therapist at least.

Also many countries offer free therapy as long as you talk about it with your family doctor. Maybe look into it?

If not, you can always look at the listeners list here on 7cups and choose a listener that specialises in depression, that person might give you good tolls to help.

Best of luck :)

LilacOcean333 OP February 23rd, 2018


I have been meeting with a counsellor on campus and it has been helpful but I still kind of feel empty inside, you know? And maybe there's nothing I can really do about that?

Booklover95 February 23rd, 2018


Fighting against this type of stuff takes a long time so don't worry.

I get what you mean, personally I also feel frustrated that it's taking so long. But look at you! You are getting professional help that alone shows progress and strenght and wanting to get better :)

Another thing I recommend is you focousing alot in good stuff. Surround yourself with positive people, don't waist time on toxic ones. Spend time with your favourite hobbies, try to get out of the house often (can even be going on walks or going to a coffee shop for example), and also mindfulness . Tell yourself you're doing great so far and ask yourself "ok what could I do more to feel better at this very moment?"

Is a long proccess but I promise you it gets better! Don't give up you're doing wonderful so far!