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Truly can’t see the point

User Profile: grass22
grass22 January 22nd, 2022

I am just wondering if anyone else thinks that there is just no point? I have many things to be grateful for but have suffered a few setbacks recently. I recently split from my partner if 7 years because I wanted more from the relationship and really, all I want is love. I have so much love to give and no one to receive it.

so given I am old, and I don’t ever meet new people, it just means I am facing 40-50 years of being alone, waking up just to get through the day to go to sleep again, and I literally can’t see the point. I am tired of hurting every day and it seems more humane to stop the pain now.

thanks for listening.

User Profile: anonyLemon4233
anonyLemon4233 January 22nd, 2022

@grass22 I cannot relate much to the relationship part of your post as have never been lucky enough to experience a long term relationship in past 20years.

I think that having a partner for life is very much an idea imposed by society and fairytales. I think you were lucky to have a long relationship and for sure you gained some insights. The fact you has this opportunity I think should give you the perspective that it is possible to be with someone as you have experienced it so it can happen again... But after 7 yrs I think it's normal to grieve about the loss and give time to yourself to explore who you are in your own company.

I do relate to the feeling of pointlessness and a humane end to pain but when in past days I was reaching rock-bottom I made sure to call the crisis line and have a long chat. It does not mean I have found a point in all of this but I realise some moments it is the depression speaking very loudly.