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Tired of feeling Physically Ill

munchiegoosie December 13th, 2021

I have a multitude of mental illnesses, one of which is Major Depressive Disorder. Lately I'm struggling especially with, for example, feeling physically sick and

1)Not knowing the 'for sure' source of it and

2)Getting tired of experiencing it...sometimes if kicks in on a daily basis.

Does anyone else resonate with this?

munchiegoosie OP December 19th, 2021


Thank you so much for your kind words. Yeah, even yesterday there was a dangerous situation (and another not good but I don't think as severe) with my Type 1 Diabetes. Rest assured, I was able to stabilize. But I think the after-affects of it at least might not make me feel all that well.

I had a physical exam not last week but the week before and it didn't seem like there was anything wrong. It's just such a confusing experience for me with these comorbidities and not knowing, with certainty, what is attributed to what (and how). On top of that, not being certain of how to respond in the most effective way...partially as a result of not knowing what to attribute the symptoms to.

Anyway, I'm sorry to vent more. Thank you SO MUCH for commenting on my post and offering some insight into this. I really, really appreciate it!