She use to be the strong one.
I dont know where to start. I guess Ill start with I started dating my current love in 2015. I came with a lot of baggage; anxiety, depression and she seemed so well put together.
I have a lot of relationship anxiety and she was always calming and reassuring. She was great for me. I loved her. I still do. We move in together in 2016.
January 2019 things changed. I noticed that she seemed off but didnt really notice it as much as I should have. We got into a fight and she almost broke up with me. She stated that she isnt happy with life, shes stressed, she is having a hard time with herself. She cited that I can be very needy and need a lot of reassurance and it was something she couldnt do right now. We decided to start to work on things and stay together.
Over the months I started to noticed how off she just was. She stopped meeting up with friends, became withdrawn, stopped having hobbies, no longer cared about exercise. All she wanted to do was lay around and watch tv. Near summer some big events happened with her job and she lost her job. Wed got through it together.
When she finally got a new job she chose a job that was just as stressful but less toxic. After she started training she started to withdraw a lot. She stopped replying to my texts. Stopped over all speaking to me at home as much. Stopped caring about the cats. A picture of them that would usually make her happy and make her day no longer made her even say a word.
Its November. I got really insecure and started getting pushy. I asked her if she still loves me and she said I dont know. I asked how I could help with her stress and she just said she wanted space. I asked how I could best give her space and it was I dont know.
Ever since that conversation things have been a lot harder for me. Ive suggested counseling or medication but she refuses both.
Does anyone have any advice? I just dont know how to help her or be there for her when shes so withdrawn.
"I just don't know" goes very wel because we literally just simply don't have a the more stressful the job the most insensitive it renders us as humans because in order to handle stress ylu must shut down your feelings and become inhuman... numb..
Stressful job =>soul killer...
@embracingStones I can feel that way when I
I have no solution since I pushed everyone away myself...just stand in stand by if they want to make a change themselves otherwise it's a lost battle... stay in stand by mode by them untill you decide you had enough and move with your own life. There is no recipe and bo shrink or meds are going to help...take your partner out of that stressful job environment and you have a chance, the jib kills their soul, it's all...