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Positive daily habits

fairmindedTalker1988 March 3rd, 2022

I've discovered with depression and anxiety that when you're down and out somedays it can be soul crushing. Like "uuugh everything has to be a full on mission why even care?" Well I've also discovered that we have alot of whys and that sometimes we need a little anchor habit to help us remember and/or motivate us to reflect on that fact.. like today, I was trapped in my head all day while at work and while being at work was an accomplishment in its own right. It was a gloomy slog all day. Or atleast until my breaks where I've found that my positive habit is reading. Even for a few moments. It has me think of other stuff other then what is going on in life. So I'm really curious as to what positive habits help everyone else climb out of their heads every so often 🤔 😅

fruityPond7887 March 3rd, 2022


Hi! I hope you are doing well! I am really glad that you have discovered reading is a good coping skill of yours! I really like to read too because it gets you out of this world and into the world of the book, even if just for a little while! I also love to hang out with my friends! Thank you for sharing! 😍

March 5th, 2022



depression and anxiety are hard to deal with and somedays it sure feels like there's more questions than answers.

Being at work is an accomplishment of its own indeed.

Having positive habits helps us cope. Reading is a good one. I like reading too, it helps me get out of my life and enter a new dimension. I also like walking, listening music or watching movies.