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One thing you love about yourself is...

existentialkat February 14th, 2018

Let's focus on positive self-thinking!

I love that i am always going out of my way to help others. heart

Seekinginnerstrength February 15th, 2018

@existentialkat - this has turned out as a slap in my face

Purplelily96 February 15th, 2018

@lambee is this because you can't think of anything you love about yourself?

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@lambee Im sorry to hear that. Why is it you feel this way? Im sure you have loveable qualities as does every person! ❤️

Seekinginnerstrength February 15th, 2018

@existentialkat whenever i go out of my way to help someone it somehow comes across as meddling or overwhelming when all i want to do is help. Has currently caused a huge rift in my group of friends 😔

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@lambee Im so sorry this is happening to you and you feel this way. Some people often like being independent and hence refuse any help from others even though you mean only the very best for them. Please dont take this personally! Don't change your kindness but rather talk to your friends and ask them for advice on how you can help without them being upset. Communication is key and i am sure this can be fixed, im confident that you can do this! heart

SpruceRaven February 15th, 2018

@lambee I love that shared how you were feeling and felt safe enough to do so.

NotQuiteBlue February 15th, 2018

I love my stubbornness. Yes, sometimes it can get me into a lot of trouble but it also can be very useful. When I put my mind to something and truly commit to it, I get it done, no matter what. I won't let anything stop me! :)

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@NotQuiteBlue Im so glad you feel this way! Loving yourself is always important. Continue with your perfect amount of stubborness and you

SpruceRaven February 15th, 2018

I love how resilient I am.

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@SpruceRaven Own itttt

SpruceRaven February 15th, 2018

@existentialkat 😁😄😉 🎵🎶💃🕺🎶🎵

RhapsodyonSilence February 15th, 2018


How I try to go the extra mile and put effort into everything I do :)

Thanks for this post!

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence That is an amazing quality to have. Always strive to be a better you! Im glad you have such positive thoughts about yourself. And you

RhapsodyonSilence February 15th, 2018


I love how you're taking the time to reply to everybody as well!

You're a very sweet person :)

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence I just hope that i can make someones day the smallest bit better.. kindness is such a great way to let someone know that things will be okay. Thank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot <33

Karmalot February 15th, 2018

I love my eyes. My love says they remind him of the hope diamond :3

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@Karmalot Your eyes are the window to your soul! What a beautiful comparison! ❤️

Heyanonhowwasyourday February 15th, 2018


Glad to hear it, helping others is such a win win. You feel good about yourself and it helps them!

existentialkat OP February 15th, 2018

@Heyanonhowwasyourday I agree! Helping others doesnt take much time but it sure does help those in need in the long run ❤️