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No. I have deep ups and downs

enthusiasticTortoise6681 April 17th, 2022

Finally took a bath today. It'd been like 2 weeks. I don't know why I do this. I'm on so much medication, but I can't control the waves of severe depression that come and knock me into a place where I can't see everything around me, I'm just not completely here. I'm more than half in a dark place. It's lasted for a month +, sometimes it's a couple days. The feelings are difficult to explain, even my skin is mostly numb, cause I'm not here.

Can anyone relate? Please, I need real advice, not hearing your sorry I am this way. I am on phenobarbital, to çontrol seizures, duloxotine, haloperidol, a mild anti-psychotic, and blood pressure pills, I don't know if asking the Dr. to add more meds is the solution? To cut back on the meds I have? Through the doc cause I lack perspective to adjust my own meds. Loosing weeks at a time are causing relationship problems, I'm applying for disability, and have had a lot of problems, at times I just can't deal with it, and miss deadlines, don't get things done. My memory, my mind, seems to be rapidly deteriorating? Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

Joshgw April 19th, 2022

Hi. I know how you feel. I've tried so many meds I don't know which way is up anymore. Right now I've been in real crisis, suicidal even. I don't know how long to stick with a drug or after I go off of it, was that wise. I wish I had better advice for you. All I can say is be 100% honest with your doctor and listen to your body. I can't deal with my life either and don't know what to do. Have you tried DBT skills. There are also non med solutions like ECT, TMS and ketamine.