Monday Again
I must
1. Get out of bed and make the bed
2. Walk the dog, get my first breath of fresh air.
3 Make coffee or tea and sit to do my morning journal.
Hello TJItalia, Mondays are a super important day of the week for me. I often find that a strong start to the week in foundational things such as journalling and working out facilitates a stronger week to come. How do you find mondays?
I love your approach. Setting up your Monday with a strong foundation for the week is admirable. Hope you have a good week. Stay strong and be well.
I completely agree! It’s amazing how carving out time for things like journaling and working out can create such a positive ripple effect. I've always wanted to start but never known how. What kind of journaling do you enjoy doing? Any tips for a beginner? 😊
Hey Alexia, I usually do open pages kind of journaling where its like a stream of thoughts that just pour out of me. I let it be quite chaotic and not make much sense and then if there is something specific thats on my mind or I need to work through then I will focus more on that and untangling how I feel about it. I also use it as a method of reminding myself what I want from the week and to plan how to achieve that.
Thank you so much for your reply, it's really helpful, I'll definitely be trying it out today! 😁
I must
1. Sort out my notes for Uni
2. Go shopping
3. Call a friend
(What a really fantastic idea TJItalia, really simple way of thinking about a new week and setting intention! Love it!) :)