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I just need to vent

willingClementine8601 January 26th, 2022

Trigger warning: Sh, negative talk, su*c*d@1 ideations

Hi guys, it’s been really hard to cope lately.

I’ve been dealing with depression for almost 9 years now (I’m almost 20)

I feel like the time stopped years ago and now I’m just imagining what it would be like if it never stopped, and this life that I keep living is all inside of my head and I can never find a way out.

I keep dissociating, wondering constantly how real everything is, how real are my thoughts and my actions.

This year has been one of the worst , I feel like I lost myself.

I don’t care enough about living, my social life as well as my academic one are only getting worse.

I’ve been drinking a lot, partying, and engaging in risky behavior.

I thought that this year would be different, I restarted my medication 3 months ago, but stopped taking it because I wasn’t feeling good.

Last week I just wanted to find something to live for, so I decided to go to London with my friends, the trip was great which made everything worse.

I have caring parents (they don’t recognize depression as an illness, but they are trying at least), I have good friends (despite having a fall out with one some of them), I have a stable life, and I was supposedly majoring in something that I love (Video game development).

Even though everything in my life is going well, I just kept feeling worse. And I am so exhausted, I am trying so so hard.

But I just feel like I can’t even breathe.

Self harming has been my plank of salvation, I don’t know what to do anymore.

anonyLemon4233 January 26th, 2022


I'm sorry you had to spend these years battling depression. Yes it gets very tiring...

Do you have crisis line number or chat at hand? Maybe try use that if you feel need for self harm but definitely if you are not already doing so I'd suggest you male an appointment with your therapist. Sometimes stopping medications for ne led me to spiral down quickly and definitely alcohol is also a big depressant.

Pls take care - you have made it through all these years I hope you can find the support you need.