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I hate myself

dumbodinosaur April 7th, 2022

I dont really know if I'm depressed i havent been diagnosed but for the past month or so i have had no interest in doing things my physical health is hoing downhill because my appetite has gotten really bad and i have frequent anxiety attacks and im insecure and severely anxious. It happened basically because of a breakup but since then a lot of things happened that make me feel worthless. I keep telling myself its all my fault and no one else's. I hate myself more and more everyday. I keep feeling like a failure and a nobody and someone no one will ever like and i feel like the sort of person who messes up everyones life's and i just wanna be unconscious for a year or so just so i can relieve everyone of the pain i cause in their life.

Fluxelixir April 7th, 2022


Sorry to hear about your situation. It's been a hard couple of months for me too. I think, communication breakdown was real for me also.

On top of that, the real instinctual energy to just do anything in the face of adversity took over and I took many a bad decision.

I hope you communicate more, listen to someone's voice in real life and feel okay to talk to them. There must be someone for us, but sadly life plays games a lot of times. We find ourselves on the crossroads, in the middle of crossfire, in the fog, where enemy and friends are indistinguishable from each other at times.

I hope you go easy on yourself for killing own your goals. I hope you go easy on others who stomped on your freedoms, and desires, and expected outcomes.

I hope you have happy lunches and healthy dinners. 🔆

Aceeheart April 8th, 2022


I’m sorry for what you’ve been through dumbodinosaur. I understand that you feel frustrated and helpless right now as break up and failure can indeed affect our mental stability. I also know that it was hard to be positive when depression came in our way but I would like you to know that your not alone in this journey. Please seek help with your loved ones as they may help you lifting yourself together. Take easy on yourself as well as mental health may affect your physical health. Please find a purpose to continue going. I believed in you and you deserved all the loved in this world. Hold on to yourself as much I believed in you. If you need someone who can listen to you, you can always reached out to me.

strawberrymilk41419 April 15th, 2022

Hello dumbodinosaur. I'm sorry that you've been going through so much. I understand and empathize with how you're feeling- I've been in a similar place. Everything that you're going through is valid and I'm really thankful to you for sharing your experience.

Breakups can be really hard, and can snowball into things we didn't even realize were going to affect us. Thankfully, there are many people who are also feeling insecure, anxious, and worthless. Depression and anxiety can be really isolating, and sometimes positivity can be the hardest thing to hear when we feel we are alone but seeking support from friends and family can make all the difference.

I hope you and those you rely on can help you find ways to accept and care for yourself through these hard times. Your experience is your own unique one, but there are many people who feel similarly that can help, support, and validate you. ❤️

7CupsUserPol April 15th, 2022

Hey,I’m glad you reached out!

For some time I was feeling as if I didn’t know what to do with myself. It sucks to feel that way, but a great way to get out of that rut is to just be a little more positive. I definitely recommend the depression course here on 7cups, it’s a great help!

Something else I recommend is eating healthily and being a little more happy with yourself. Try doing the things you like and be grateful for everything you have.

Try to also eat healthy, studies show eating healthily also helps with your physical and mental health.

You took the biggest step by reaching out! Just keep going! The shoes you wear are awesome, no one else can wear them but you. I believe in you!