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I can

grace1606 January 26th, 2020

I just lost all motivation today, I feel this heavy pain in my chest and a heavy feeling in my shoulders, all my body is palpitating and I just can

maludluk1 January 28th, 2020

@grace1606 Hey, you should try to make sports or something that will keep you busy

shakyshane January 28th, 2020

@grace1606 sometimes you just got get over yourself

Mars6 February 5th, 2020


Unexistinggirl6 February 5th, 2020


I know that feeling too. I think it's called "morning depression" or smth like that. Just my case is a little bit different. I can't wake up in the morning 'cause I have the feeling it's useless and everything will go wrong again...

Does anyone know more about that?

oceana053 February 23rd, 2020

@Unexistinggirl6 yes sometimes, i feel in that wa y also

Flowingstreams January 28th, 2020


I hope you are feeling better today, Grace. Sometimes when i am feeling physical responses I ask myself, what am I feeling. There is a whole list of physical feelings and their potential tie to emotions in Acoa (adult children of alcoholics) literature big book. That helps me sometimes understand what i am feeling. I also use a tool, my emotions list and try to figure out what I am feeling. If my heart hurts sometimes I ask myself Dear one, why does your heart hurt? Am I sad? Grieving loss I have put in the back of my mind and numbed out of? If i feel like I am falling into an ocean, a drop in a sea, I learned it means I feel abandoned. When I feel pressure on my shoulder it usually means i am feeling overly responsible, sometimes for things I cant control. For me, it means im feeling the world is too much to bear. Every person has different interpretations for body symptoms.

Thanks so much for sharing, because sharing with you, wanting to help you feel better also helped me! I was having a panic attack yesterday, and didn't realize I was feeling all these symptoms too. I kept trying to talk myself down from my panic attack but didn't stop and just ask myself with compassion and love, How come, honey? Thanks for posting this and reminding myself to have a little compassion for myself.

I was having a super rough day... no need for the details... Kept making what felt like one mistake after another... feeling overwhelmed and helpless and literally crawled back to bed.. feeling unable to move.... feeling like my chest and head would implode... i told my husband to please take care of our teen and get him dinner and realized after about 15minutes i had better get out and go to a relaxation class.... I forced myself out of bed... and went looking like a mess...30 minutes late. I am glad i did. I realize i just needed some self compassion and to stop judging myself so harshly.... and to save myself from the harsh things i was saying to myself in my head....

Today looks brighter.. Thank God, even the roughest day has the kindness to pass... Hope you are feeling better and your day is looking brighter too!

Mystiquenish9 February 28th, 2020

@Flowingstreams it's a heartfelt takes strength to express your process in overcoming your intense emotions and validating yourself...thumbs up for the start... wishing you all the best in moving ahead in your journey of self discovery...

Flowingstreams February 28th, 2020


Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words. I so appreciated your compassionate reflection.... It is an interesting journey indeed, (never boring) and often just when I think my footing is sure again... I'm head under waters.... lol.... If anything, I think I've learned some humor and to come to appreciate and enjoy that even when I am a humbled, rambling mess... I can still feel content in being authentically imperfectly me :)! Thanks again for your most kind reply!

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020


I saw a documentary about the fact that it is normal for teens to feel tired all thetime and need to sleep more. They even recommended that highschool should start after 9:00 o'clock in the morning. For me it was the same, I did not want to get out of bed and skept after I came home too...

It may be depression or smth related to physical health so it wouldn't hurt to have some tests done just to get a burden off your shoulders and know that you are just like most of the teens out there...

Unexistinggirl6 February 5th, 2020


I also saw smth like that. I actually wanted to sleep after school too but in my family, sleep when it's not night is a sign of weaknes and I often got in trouble for that...

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020


People should try to get more must be hard on a teen not to have either the unconditional loving support from the family or at least an informed, documented support from the family. I had neither, stressed, called lazy and procrastinator, it did not help, but I was strong, many others would normally be and get erroded but such a toxic non-supportive environment...I feel truly sorry for you...

Unexistinggirl6 February 5th, 2020


Thanks, your words kinda motivated me ^^

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020


🤗😊all the best to you! Teens will be gone and you will miss them...

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020


You are welcome😊