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Feeling down and hopeless

gentleOrange June 1st, 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you guys are doing ok. I'm currently studying for the MCAT which I'll be taking in a few months. My study schedule is extremely strict and if I diverge too much from it I'll be really far behind and it'll be a disaster. It's super important I do well on the exam, so I thought this would be a great time to study since the virus has shut everything down I'll have the time to study. However my work jusy reopened AND with much longer hours than before. So now I'm really stressed, sleep deprived, and trying to fit all my study stuff in with these new hours. Also we need to wear masks and it's hard going so many hours without eating or drinking. I just want to give up on everything and sit at home and do nothing :(

NoahD June 3rd, 2020


Hey, don't feel bad about it. I'm a french student and I experience exactly the same thing. Actually these days it seems to be pretty common among students or even other workers, to delay everything, to feel unable to work properly even if you really want to. It's a totally human feeling. We are living a strange time so don't put to much pressure on yourself. Just stay calm, breathe, focus, and do your best.

gentleOrange OP June 3rd, 2020

@NoahD thank you for sharing, it helps knowing I'm not alone in all of this when it really feels like it. My boss has no time for any emotions or any work less than perfect so it's hard trying to fit exactly what he's wanting and when I don't, he gets all passive aggressive with me. I wish people would be more understanding, especially with everything going on now we all need some time to get back to normal. Good luck with your class work, I hope it gets easier for you as well!

0820170719105 June 3rd, 2020

I can't say I share the exact experience but I've been through some of what you're going through before. I hope you feel better soon. You're doing your best, achool and work are already so hard on their own, together it's very difficult. I really admire your dedication despite everything that is happening. I hope things will get better soon. I'm rooting for you

gentleOrange OP June 3rd, 2020

@0820170719105 thank you so so much 😭 I'm hanging in there. I hope everything is going well for you!