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Feeling Like a Burde n...

DarkFairy0316 April 13th, 2021

I don't know where to start. I got my first vaccine shot almost a week ago, & so I started looking for a job, knowing I'd need to eventually. I applied at a place a close relative used to work at & had issues with. I wasn't expecting anything from it, nor was I in a hurry because I get my 2nd shot at the end of the month, & figured I'd be available about 2 weeks after that, so I wasn't in a rush. But, they were super excited & seem ready to hire me almost right on the spot. I didn't mention anything to this family member until today-which is when I had an interview. And this person, while not yelling at me or anything like that, made it known that they didn't like it there & were somewhat mistreated. I know they are watching out for me, & only want whats in my best interests at heart, I felt like they were upset with me, & like I let them down, & they were disappointed in me. I feel like I am making more troubles for this person, more work for this person by doing this, & I'm not trying to do any of that. I know this person isn't feeling like I'm betraying them, or anything like that, it's more along the lines of they truly care for me, & are worried that the people at this job will take advantage of & mistreat me like they did to this person, & they don't want that to happen to me. I know this, yet I still feel like I am causing more drama for this person, & piling more things onto this person's already full plate...& that is making me feel worse & more depressed, & wondering why anyone cares about me, because all I seem to do is cause more trouble & drama around me...I just had to vent, & I don't feel like I can to anyone, as I feel like I'm a burden pretty much all of the time & to everyone I know...I feel like I am a bother to everyone, all of the time, so if feels good to just vent here, even though I don't expect an answer, or anything else, it just feels good to get it off my chest.

affablePeach2580 April 13th, 2021

I was once in your position a few years ago , my aunt worked for a company that I got hired for and it caused much trouble in our home. I went to work anyway, had a great experience (any experience is a good lesson) and eventually after 17 months got let go for someone with much more experience than I (a certificate) . Which was understandable, looks better for the company. Either way I made money, earned contacts, great reference letters for my next job and more experience to add to my resume . Anyway , turns out in my aunts texts that were leaked she just didn’t want me to find out any secrets between her and a colleague and it just bothered her that I was going to be in a position she was once in. Everyone is different and Don’t let anyone stop you or their options make you feel some kind of way. I say go for it.

DarkFairy0316 OP April 14th, 2021

@affablePeach2580 Thank you affable. I, also, worked with a family member, & I had a good experience with it overall too. I got some good news today, after all that stressing out, & feeling lost & confused, I had an interview today, & was offered a job. My ideal job, so hopefully that is a good thing, I am feeling better now. So yay for me!

affablePeach2580 May 4th, 2021

I’m happy for you , hope all is still going well !