Feeling Hopeless
I've been dealing with my depression for years now. Dysthymia is what they told me. Environmental meaning if I improve my life and my situation I should be getting better. I worked retail at a target for 11 years. In March of this year I got a new job. Better pay. The job is easier than target easily. But ive been missing because of my depression. Which in turn started a cycle i cant seem to break on top of the realization that even though my job is better i still dont like it. Im worried that im going to get myself fired. Ive tried job hunting online but everything either seems awful based on reviews, step backwards like going back to retail which i refuse to do based on how miserable i was, or im simply not qualified. Any dream job i can think of seems like a fantasy. I don't know what im doing and the inevitability of everything ending badly for me seems soul crushing. Is it so wrong to want a job that ill actually feel happy at.
Hi everyone I'm a girl with no positive quality I'm ugly and skinny and sooo stupid and short and unfunny with a bad family and an abusive dad I'm a sad and depressed girl I don't have any money for plastic surgery or living alone.i'm so depressed right now I have to take care of my two siblings they are both under 2 years old and that even make me more depressed.my parents always contempt me.i don't wanna live anymore in this world full of beautiful smart perfect girls .i have absolutely No positive
.quality I hate how I am I hate who I am
@loyalSea6127 You sound like a good person whose heart is in the right place. I'm sure that reflects on the outside too. Things sound rough for you right now. You can fight all that awfulness. It's not permanent or forever. It's hard and it will suck. It will be exhausting. Try and surround yourself with good people. I stumbled accidentally into a small group of friends that except me for me and I hope that happens for you too. I'm not really good at this. Ive been where you're at, some problems the same others were different but if I hadn't kept going I would have missed some great things. I still fight and struggle it's still hard but I've had some good times in spite of my mental demos. I hope something was helpful.
I feel you. There's a job that I really, really want, more than anything, but I worry that even if I get it, I still won't be happy. The reason I think this is because things are going well for me right now, and I can see that as an exciting and happy part of my life, but I'm still overall miserable. It sucks because it is completely in my head, and I know it. I am really hoping therapy will help. Have you tried CBT or anything yet?
I'm not sure where to start here. Um...I know I grew up with neglect - some kind of lowkey and some really obvious - and I'm trying, now that I'm an adult and no longer living with my parents, to heal so I can have a somewhat normal life. It's weird now that I'm looking back, because stuff that as a child I would have shrugged off and let slide as "just another thing", I'm now realizing was pretty awful to do to a kid. I mean, what kind of parent doesn't let their kid shower or bathe for three years because of a paranoid obsessive compulsion? (Obviously that kind, but this isn't something to joke about). It's just stupid, but at the same time, I try to understand why they were like that. Well, not they - mostly my dad. Actually, only my dad, but he made the rules so my mom followed them. I have good hygiene now by some miracle, even though it wasn't exactly enforced for so long, but that's just one example. There are so many other things and now I think I just want to know if it was my fault and how to stop the issues from bubbling up all the time. It's also kind of weird for me to write about this, because for so long I'd read about kids with just bad home lives and it never really occured to me that I was one of them until recently. Thanks in advance to whoever can help!
I hope you're all doing better. I'm not really one for inspiring words but I really hope you guys are getting through these tough moments.
I've been dealing with depression for years. I was studying to get into a med school and somewhere along that path I lost my soul and have been dragging the burden of my body ever since. I got into dentistry and not into medicine which rendered me an utter failure. I used to be this positive and optimistic girl, hella motivated and fueled to chase her dreams but now I'm this totally unmotivated person who just feels empty inside. Sometime ago, I hated myself, I used to be angry with myself but now its like I made peace with my uselessness. I just don't feel anything. I don't know what to do anymore.