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Diagnosed with paranoia

Lexi9715 March 6th, 2015

I'm diagnosedwith paranoia and its part of my PTSD I take a psychotic med geodon and its suppose to be for Schizophrenia but I'm notSchizophrenia I have PTSD paranoia but geodon helps me in alot of ways but I still get paranoid badly about everything and I just wish I never had this problem

Dailydaydreama March 6th, 2015

Schemersensors can have a impact on your life when things have gone wrong and have left you with trust issues ! If you can notice the things or times your impacted the most by things that leave you feeling unsettled it might be helpful ! Getting a second opinion could be helpful as well đŸ˜‡

Lexi9715 OP March 6th, 2015

Yesterday at noonmy friends left and said that they will be home soon but then it started to get dark I was scared and paranoid freaking out texting them please come home I'm paranoid I was so scared but they where at the hospital seeing a mom and I wanted to see her but I was scared and didn't know what to do I was having a panic attack and everything it was so bad

blitheSun94 March 11th, 2015


I was diagnosed with paranoia when I was fifteen (I am twenty-five now) after I was hospitalized for self-harm and the suicidal impulse. During my stay I was administered the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) which entails answering the same five to ten questions in five hundred different ways. These tests are used to better understand personality traits and what could be considered abnormal. I was also diagnosed with depression and anxiety during that time and was sent home to Trazodone and Zoloft. My mother took me off the medication shortly thereafter and I have remained un-medicated ever since. I am glad to hear you feels your meds are helpful to you as I prepare myself to re-approach my treatment and continue to grow increasingly less stable. Is your paranoia limited to your personal thoughts, or does it also affect your relationships and rational reasoning?

Best wishes.

Lexi9715 OP March 11th, 2015

I have anxiety depression paranoia PTSD bipolar and ADHD

I have alot if problems I went to 8 mental in patient hospitals long term for my problems and I just got out of a long term treatment last year of January 7th I'm now 19 years old I started with treatment at age 12 I went through alot I take alot of meds Alotevery kind you can think of but right now I can't really go places on my own I get scared I feel like theirs people around me witch there isn't I feel like people are after me or going to kill me I feel like there's people behind me close breathing on me but no ones there I feel like people are talking about me I sleep with the light on closed door locked I carry a big pocket knife every where I go I just have really bad problems my anger is bad I look mad all the time people are scared of me I I'm very impulsive and can't controlI use to take 8 meds for my diagnose I'm dropped to 5 because the meds where putting me into ER because of all the meds combine together was hurting my body getting sick so they use 5 really strong meds for my diagnose but I'm going to therapy three times a week I just wish I don't have this problem I really do

blitheSun94 March 12th, 2015

Thank you, Lexi, for sharing. That sounds so overwhelming. I understand the terror more than I'd like to. Stay strong and keep working on you. I know how exhausting it can become.