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Depression or being a teenager?

Darkpelt11 March 7th, 2018

This is something I've been wondering for a while. My parents say I'm fine and it's all just hormones and I'll get over it but everything has been getting worse and worse the more I stopped trying to find help. I don't know who to ask or where to go to figure out if it's all in my head or really means something. Is there a quiz or something out there I can take to see if I am depressed?

knittedpinkscarf March 7th, 2018

@Darkpelt11 I've struggled with this too. And there is a thing where they screen you for despression by giving you a questionnaire. I had to fill one out every time I met my phychiatrist. Here is one you can take online

Darkpelt11 OP March 8th, 2018


Thank you for the test. My score ended in 21.

romanticthi3f March 8th, 2018



I think knitted pink scarf's link was really helpful - we use something similar here to screen for Depression.

Whether it's hormones or depression can be tricky - it is normal for teens to go through big mood swings as they grow up. There's a lot going on in this time like stress and schooling and relationships that makes a big impact on our moods. This is also around the same time where some teens can develop depression.

As for your question though 'is it all in my head or means something' why does it have to be one or the other?

Whether it's a diagnosis of depression, general stress or damn hormones - it still matters and it's still important. Depression is 'in our head' too.

As for where to go - your general Doctor would be a good first step. Sometimes schools/uni's/colleges have school counsellors as well.


Darkpelt11 OP March 8th, 2018



Thank you. You're both very kind. I don't go to school and we very rarely visit a doctor, so it's hard for me to get any information about all of this.