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Depression in women

User Profile: katrin123
katrin123 April 11th, 2016

Most people experience sadness in their lives. Sometimes it happens that depressed mood lasts for a long period of time and does not allow you enjoy life. In such cases, we deal with depression and depressive disorder. Women are at high risk to develop depression because of characteristics of the psyche. Doctors claim that today major or clinical depression occurs in women two-three times more than in men. How to recognize signs of depression in women, overcome them and start living a happy life.

Symptoms Of Depression In Women

Since women are more emotional in nature, they need to listen more attentively to themselves. Symptoms of depression are extensive and affect both emotions of women and body manifestations. Before the diagnosis made several signs of depression must be taken into account plus they must last more than two weeks. In short, they must be clear and continuous.

Emotional signs and symptoms include:

depresssion in womenFeeling of sadness, constant depressed and bad mood.

Despair, loss of meaning in life.

Development of different fears and phobias.

Anxious thoughts accompanied by internal stress and the premonition of misfortune.

Irritability without reasonable grounds, frequent swings of mood.

Feelings of guilt and self-flagellation.

Low self-esteem, loss of confidence.

Loss of interest in favorite activities.

The woman becomes unemotional.

Increased anxiety and concern for the health and fate of loved ones.

Fear to make a mistake during social activities.

Physical symptoms of depression are equally important in the diagnosis. It is rather important to pay attention to the inability of women to adequately describe their feelings and emotions.

Physical signs and symptoms of depressive disorder include:

Sleeping problems. Insomnia or sleepiness.

Eating disorders. Either increased or decreased appetite.

Bowel problems. Constipations take place.

Loss of interest in sex.

Loss of energy, physical or mental activity causes exhaustion.

Pains and discomfort in the area of the heart, the stomach and muscles.

depression in women 2It happens that a woman treats physical ailments and does not notice symptoms of depression, so complex diagnostics is important that allows identifying the behavioral manifestations of depression.

Behavioral signs and symptoms of depression include:

Apathy, lack of desire to be engaged in an active activity.

Avoiding any contact with other people.

Unwillingness to have fun.

Harmful habits. Abuse of alcohol or drugs.

Poor personal hygiene.

There are cognitive signs of depression.

Specialists pay attention to the following symptoms and signs:

Inability to concentrate.

Inability to make decisions.

Negative thoughts about personality, life and the world around.

Suicidal thoughts.

Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.

Slow cognitive processing.

Specialists usually make the diagnosis depression on the basis of several signs that are manifested at least 2-3 weeks. Only complex diagnostics is able to identify the presence of depression, its stage and form. But it is necessary to the woman or her loved ones to recognize the disease by knowing the signs of depression. Therefore, self-diagnosis is an important moment in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.

Causes Of Depression In Women:

User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 April 29th, 2016

@katrin123 - Thank you for sharing this. It is very useful information. Is the link you shared also the source where you got this information? How does it differ from the DSM-V for example? I'm just curious.

User Profile: mellyworm84
mellyworm84 May 2nd, 2016

I had a recent relapse of depression. Luckily I recognised the signs and went to my GP. I'm really struggling now as im back on medication and signed off of work. I feel so lost, I don't know where I'm going in life, whether I'm doing the right things. My self confidence and belief is gone and even my loved ones can't help me with that. I feel like I could sleep forever right now. Getting out of bed is difficult, I just want to sleep and have cuddles - but life goes on for everyone. I feel like for be its standing still. I feel I've failed again, and this time I am so scared of losing everything. I don't know what to do, I think I may need to see a counsellor as I think my emotions have been unspoken for so long that they've eaten away at me. Does anyone else feel this way?

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User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 May 14th, 2016

@mellyworm84 - Hi. How is it going with your medication? And have you found someone to talk to? You are definitely not the only one feeling this way and having depression doesn't make you a failure.

2 replies
User Profile: mellyworm84
mellyworm84 May 18th, 2016


my medication is starting to work. I'm still spending a lot of time in bed and have little motivation doing things, but managed to clean my flat on the weekend and have cooked and been food shopping. It's small steps but the achievement feels good. Just still a bit lost in where I'm going but I'm sure that'll come slowly. x

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User Profile: Chiaroscuro1
Chiaroscuro1 May 20th, 2016

@mellyworm84 - To me it sounds like quite a lot you got done. Good for you. And yes, I believe the direction will come.

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User Profile: loyalChestnut5609
loyalChestnut5609 May 14th, 2016


User Profile: loyalChestnut5609
loyalChestnut5609 May 14th, 2016


Yes. I relate!!!!

User Profile: loyalChestnut5609
loyalChestnut5609 May 14th, 2016


I just paid $$ for the 7cups text therapy . . feels futile & extravagant. Must do something however. Same clothes since Thursday. In bed all day today. 3 boys asking if I'm ok♡ I tell them I am sick. My husband carrying on today. Thank heaven it's Saturday. Don't want to get up. Want to melt into the bed. Yes I hear you. Wish I could stop everything. Not suicidal - but I'm not functioning and no desire to. Ugh.

2 replies
User Profile: mellyworm84
mellyworm84 May 18th, 2016


how are you feeling now? My partner is lovely but doesn't understand depression at all so it can be quite difficult. I'm starting to feel a bit better, the medication is working- but I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to work yet. It's nice that people around ask if you're okay. I love far away from friends and family and my partner works away a lot so can feel quite isolated, but it's getting better day by day. Keep strong xxx

1 reply
User Profile: loyalChestnut5609
loyalChestnut5609 May 20th, 2016

Thanks! OOooo the isolation. Yes, makes it worse I feel.
Do you live in a rural area? I believe being in a small town/city/and having kids helps me with this - I'm forced to get out, I see people, even if I just see people walking in front of my place . . . .I hear you my spouse worked overseas for weeks at a time when I was alone with our child(ren). Not fun. I guess routine helps. Monday - for example - I've decided I'll start the week off right - in the AM - give my self the luxury of a hot bath first thing! Ha! Locked door . . .it helped. We'll see . . .one hour at a time, really trying to be kind to myself, permission to be comfotable and enjoy. Such a balance with kids needs to be met -and fear of them being neglected or not receiving the attachment they need . . . The therapy I paid for here on 7cups - it's helping. It is. I'm glad I'm doing it. Easier for me right now than traditional in person therapy. And more affordable I believe in the end. Music is helping me too. Just turning on music.
In solidarity across the waves!

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I feel the same way. Exactly how you are feeling right now. @mellyworm84

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User Profile: warmheartedHuman2014
warmheartedHuman2014 May 18th, 2016

I've had all of these feelings for over two years. It started when my ex and I broke up. Then, my best friends from childhood abandoned me. Then, my job is at risk.

I feel alone. I'm starting a new contract today. There are old co-workers here but none of which I would consider friends. I don't know why, but none of them kept in touch despite my efforts so I stopped trying. They don't even know I'm here yet.

I feel like something is wrong with me. That I can't make lasting connections or leave an impression.

I found a listener I like. Yet, again, they have stopped responding to my messages. This is like my 12th listener.

I don't have a place in my hometown before because I loved with my ex in a different country. I've gotten good at hiding how broken I am though. I have to because there is no one I trust to be there for me if they really knew.

User Profile: HannahCoulter
HannahCoulter May 22nd, 2016

I'm super new here..looking for support with depression.. However I have a strange issues..I feel my life is manageable, even healthy and happy UNTIL I am around my husband. I feel hopeless, powerless, deeply depressed, angry, blubbery and mean when I'm with him..clearly there is an issue. Any experience with this? Thoughts?