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Depression does the torture ever end?

Thunderlover68 November 14th, 2014

Not sure what to write but here goes...I have been suffering from depression since April of this year...Just when I think I am coming out of it. my thoughts flip right back to sad, depressing thoughts or situations...I also suffer from health anxiety issues which are just as bad if not worse than the depression..I have tried to think positive, happy thoughts but it just does not work for me...Does any one have any suggestions?

jerry772 November 15th, 2014

Hi Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Honestly? I believe that everyone is different so one suggestion may work for some people and not others. You may need to try a few suggestions to find what helps you. I think the thing that has helped me most (I have suffered from depression for 16 years) is talking to my friends. Sometimes I feel like I don't want to burdon them with my worries but they are my friends and when I do open up I do feel better afterwards. I realise how lucky I am to have them and that they do care about me. I hope you can talk to someone you're close to too. X

Thunderlover68 OP November 15th, 2014

I try and tak to friends but it seems like sometimes they do not want to hear it and I can't blame them but I have always been there for them and it makes me feel more down when they say things like "Well I gotta go or I got something to do Iwill be right back and then they never come back...I do have one friend though that has never turned her back on me and has always been there but it is like you said, I feel like I ama burden to her because I talk to her all the time...She says it is okay though...Sometimes I use sepression chat rooms which are not really much help at all or I will call a help line..

wwwace November 15th, 2014

May not be a lot of help but you are in my thoughts. From another person suffering depression.

Alma16 November 15th, 2014

Hey , i think we all go through the same thing. Depressing is a common thing. It depends on how you deal with it. Whenever i feel depressed i feel like vomiting and everything just becomes so useless and makes me even more depressed. To get rid of temporary , i start changing the activity that im doing . I start walking or watching series.. I also found a new way to get rid of it and that is by writing all the things that bother me and what make me happy .

Thunderlover68 OP November 15th, 2014

Ido alot of writing too and it does seem to help some...I just wish I could get back to the way I used to be..

Faywillhelpyou November 15th, 2014

I am struggling, just like you. I wish I could be the way I used to be before depression. Depression ruined everything, especially myself. But, don't give up! You're not alone. I am with you. Let's do this together!

Faywillhelpyou November 15th, 2014

I have been depressed for 2 years, and I defeated it 3 months ago. But it keeps haunting me. And with school, my depressed, and my stress increased. It's hard. I do think positively and do whatever makes me happy, and my depression now is on and off. (unstable) I wish it could just go away. But it depends on you!

I suggest you to see a therapist, they're very helpful. Smile, have good posture and gratitude. Challenge yourself all the time! It makes your life more interesting and meaningful. Always be positive, it really works, you attract all the positive things in your life. Every time you have a negative thought REPLACE it with a positive thought.

And you'll see things change very quickly! :D

whyme11 November 15th, 2014

@Thunderlover68, I have been dealing with depression for about 4 months now. I went to a counselor after about the third or fourth week when I wasnt getting any better. She helped me a lot. She told me with all the things I have dealt with in my life I could have been dealing with a lower level depression for a long time and didnt know it. Anyway, she told me when I thought about things that were depressing that I should think about my surroundings and use my five senses to assess things around me. This works pretty good. She also sent me to a person that specializes in cbt therapy where they try to get your negative thought patterns that may cause you to be depressed, turned around. I also have been reading various books on the subject, to try and help myself along further. The best one so far is a book called Deadly Emotions by Don Colbert, M.D. . This book has a lot of good info that has helped me to understand the reasons why we suffer with this condition. He tells of things he has learned from dealing with patients in his own practice. He has written many books and is a New York Times bestselling author. I hope some of this can help you like it has myself. Hang in there. We will get better with time and help by all of us leaning on each other.

ivorySail60 November 15th, 2014

I was after some advice really, I have a close friend who I think is very unwell and is depressed but will not admit it.. I have tried talking to her but she changes subject and iv also said she should get help. But she has cut ties with all of her family and mainly relies on me as support. I have my own life problems and currently off sick from work and seeing a doctor .. So at the moment I really can't deal with my friend who often acts oddly in social situations and was sobbing on the phone to me that I hadn't responded to her text for two hours. She generally is always negative and every time I meet her it's an argument or disagreement and it's very wearing she is never wrong and anything that happens in her life she twist and says it my fault. To be fair I'm at breaking point and cannot take it anymore I feel sad she won't help herself and is pushing everyone away. I'm worried she will do something silly. But I can't continue this negative life. Any suggestions on what current think would be a good way to deal with as iv tried all I can think of. Thanks.