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Depression and College: Should I Tell Disability Services

User Profile: selfdisciplinedCoconut37
selfdisciplinedCoconut37 August 5th, 2021


Just wanting opinions or thoughts on this. I have depression am finding school difficult at the moment and am wondering if it would help to tell my school's disability services about my depression and ADD diagnoses.
What sort of support could they provide if I shared these with them and would it be worth it? Part of me feels like I would be not really in need of their help but part of me feels like I might find it helpful to have their support.
Thanks for any responses and sorry if I put this in the wrong place.

User Profile: SparklingSeashells
SparklingSeashells August 6th, 2021

Hi, that sounds like a tough decision to make and I'm sorry you are struggling. I wonder if you have thought about writing a list of the pros and cons of taking this step? Or finding out a little more info about their services before you make the decison? I wonder if you think that there may be a 'wrong' choice in this decision... remember our regrets do not define us even if you do regret it, each decision opens a whole new world of possibilites.
Don't be sorry at all, you have no reason to be!
Good luck with whichever decision you make and I hope you are okay :)