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Depressed about partner earning more than me.

JustWantToBeNormal0509 October 29th, 2017

I have a GF, that is 5 years older than me, making more money than me

Despite i worked my ass of for a quarter of my life, got an engineering master degree which i dont like (my parents expected me to go for it), and I can't really find relavent job. Im working at a restaurant now making minimum wage while my GF is a manager of another restaurant earning almost twice what I'm earning.

I know she doesn't mind, but i feel really bad, I can't see our future. I can't imagine if she's pregnant and had to quit her job, my min wage job would not be able to support the whole family. I feel really bad for her, feel like she deserve someone a lot better.

I just feel like giving up this relationship and hide myself in a corner and let myself rot. Im such a fcking failure i don't deserve anyone. The better she treats me, the worse i felt, because it shouldn't be that way. I want to be the guy that she depends on and not the other way round.

LilGreenBird October 30th, 2017


Welcome to 7cups. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I'm sorry you're feeling so down about where your career is at the moment. Working so hard for low wage can be stressful indeed. That compounded with the societal expectation for men to earn more than women/ be the bread winner in the family is doubly stressful. Although you're not where you want to be right now, I just want to say that your girlfriend is lucky to have an ambitious partner who wants to take good care of her and do better for her. I hope your career looks up soon, and that you'll find comfort in 7cups in the mean time. Take care!