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Depressed Fellow.

Mindfullife August 20th

i m just so depressed i rarely feel hsppy i feel tired of this world tired seeing people justifying violence, hatred, harrasements, bullying and other forms of inhumane stufffs i wonder if even good people exists or its just the fear of law that stop tghem from doing bad.. that is selfish and not truly being good i m soo tired of this world

RedWell August 21st


Good people find each other because we are looking. And we value each other because we're rare. I'm boosting you today with prayer and big energy and I can gain nothing from you except helping a fellow Awesome, good heart, to stay that way, because it's worth it! A little bit each day you will discover why if you keep being who you really are inside, defying the crowd who let's themself rot away from the inside.

Keep being who you are today. Strong and real. 

Selaviexx Monday

@Mindfullife I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. It sounds like the state of the world and the negativity you’re seeing around you are contributing to your feelings of exhaustion and sadness. It can be incredibly draining to feel like there’s so much suffering and injustice.

It’s important to acknowledge your feelings and take care of yourself during these times. Even though it might seem like there’s a lot of negativity, there are still good people who genuinely care and act out of kindness. Sometimes it helps to focus on smaller, positive interactions or find communities that share your values and concerns.

You don’t have to go through this alone—reaching out for support, whether it’s from friends, family, or a mental health professional, can be really helpful. How do you think you might start to find some small sources of hope or positivity in your life?
WhiteAura9 Tuesday


I'm really sorry you're feeling this way. It sounds like you're carrying a heavy burden, and it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed when faced with so much negativity and injustice. It's natural to question the goodness in people when it seems like there is so much suffering and cruelty in the world.

While it's challenging to see past the darker aspects of humanity, it's important to remember that there are many acts of kindness and compassion happening every day, even if they don't always make headlines. Sometimes, the good can seem hidden beneath the weight of the world's problems.

It’s important to remember that despite the harshness of the world, there are countless individuals and groups working tirelessly to make a positive impact, to show kindness, and to foster understanding. These efforts, though sometimes quiet, are powerful and real. They reflect the resilience and compassion that do exist in the world.

Focusing on these positive aspects, even in small doses, can sometimes offer a glimmer of hope. Engaging in acts of kindness, no matter how small, can be incredibly empowering. It allows you to contribute to the change you wish to see and can provide a sense of purpose and connection.

Additionally, finding moments of personal joy and meaning, whether through hobbies, nature, or relationships, can be a source of comfort. These moments, while they might seem fleeting, can be powerful reminders of the beauty and potential for good that still exists.

It might help to focus on small, positive moments and interactions that bring you a sense of connection or joy. These moments, no matter how small, can serve as reminders of the goodness that still exists. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and engaging in activities that align with your values and bring you fulfillment can also be a way to counterbalance the negativity you’re experiencing.

Your feelings are valid, and it’s important to acknowledge them while also trying to find sources of hope and resilience. Being aware of the world's pain and seeking ways to contribute positively, even in small ways, can sometimes provide a sense of purpose and relief. Please be gentle with yourself and recognize that it's okay to seek out and embrace moments of hope and kindness in your journey.

Your feelings of tiredness and disillusionment are not easy to bear, but they also reflect a deep empathy and a desire for a better world. It’s okay to feel this way, and it’s okay to seek out and nurture the small sparks of hope that you find. These steps, however modest, can be part of a larger journey towards finding solace and a renewed sense of connection to the goodness in the world.