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Can't stop thinking about suicide

reliablePeach891 April 18th, 2015

I feel like i'm loosing it...i'm thinking about suicide/killing myself and havingvivid thoughts of jumping off bridges/cutting my wrists literally every single day even when doing "simple" tasks as making a cup of tea ,I have beendepressed for a very long time but the past few months have just been unbearable​ :( i just want it to stop.

PileOfRubbles April 18th, 2015

Since you are posting here is like reaching out for help... And that proves that you don't really want to kill yourself. Besides, why waste so many things? If you are ready to kill means you are capable of anything right? So... Pick something you love...then do it. Just because you can! Bam! Happy! Its as simple as that.

louielouie9999 April 18th, 2015

Why do you think you're thinking about committing suicide?

diplomaticRaspberries271 April 18th, 2015

It sounds like your thoughts are not cooperating with your true feelings. You may need anti depressants for a short time..imo

reliablePeach891 OP April 18th, 2015

i do wan't to be dead though because i can't live like this any longer..i've meant to have got mymedication sorted serval times in this past year alone but the doctors and my mental heath teamkeep messing up. i'm pretty sure they just want me to end it as well

diplomaticRaspberries271 April 18th, 2015

It sounds like your thoughts are not cooperating with your true feelings. You may need anti depressants for a short time..imo

Chrissy April 18th, 2015

It sounds like you've really got a lot of bad stuff on your mind right now, i'm really sorry to hear you're experiencing thisheart Suicidal thoughts can be hard to manage but not impossible to overcome.

Unfortunately, as listeners we can't support you if you're considering suicide. It's not that we don't want to support you but we aren't trained to. While you're in this fragile state of mind, we could easily say something harmful without meaning to because we haven't had the proper training and we don't want that to happen or you to act upon your thoughts because of a bad experience here.

I urge you to connect with a trained professional, someone who knows how to help you during this difficult time.

Some links for you: (warning- the soulmedics on this site are religious. If religion triggers you, this may not be the best option) recommend, it's hard to catch someone online though) also has a list of hotlines for a bunch ofcountries and a bunch of resources!

I really wish you the best, it's what you deserve.

Chrissy April 18th, 2015

Forgot notifications were off, hope you see this @reliablePeach891

RainbowSkittles18 April 18th, 2015

I feel your pain, im always having those thoughts too.

numbers987 April 18th, 2015

Omg darling but why do you think that you are depressed?

christy12 April 18th, 2015

if you set your mind to it you can stop the thoughts and get better