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Bad depressive episodes. How does it make you feel?

ChasingStorms October 31st, 2017

When anxiety and depression mix I feel this overwhelming need to just die. And I get so angry about being alive. I get so stressed about everything I have to do. And I crash. I shut down into this feeling of trapping rage and sadness into a cage. I push away everyone around me. And I just. Want. To die. But I can't. I can't and it's killing me inside. Because I know I have things that need to be done and people to support. But I can't figure out what it is that makes people want to live. What makes people truly want to stay alive in this crappy world?

undefinedandundetermined01 October 31st, 2017

@ChasingStorms what u have said is exactly how i feel u took the words out of my mouth as they say xx

Nimue1993 October 31st, 2017


I get you :( It is so hard to keep going even though you feel like it is not worth it. When I think about ending my life I can't do it because of the people that love me. But life is so hard and I'm not sure if I can keep fighting..

But. I think we owe it to ourselves to keep fighting even if we feel like we can't anymore. Or to give up for a little while and just be super depressed and then maybe start fighting again. I don't know. It could get better. I'm still holding out hope.

All the best to you *hugs*

ChasingStorms OP October 31st, 2017

Keep on fighting. *hugsss* @Nimue1993