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Are my parents normal?

drinkmythoughts July 26th, 2017

This is a bit of a weird post but i genuinely don't know. I'm an only child and i don't have any relatives in this country apart from my parents, and I can never tell whether what they do is right or if they even know if it's right, we have no one to look to for example.
I don't think they're abusive because they do love me and they do things for me and help me but a lot of the time it's the opposite.
Like today for example, i'm on my period and i'm in a lot of pain so i was downstairs watching tv on the sofa, but my mum wanted me to tidy my wardrobe. I really didn't want to bc i could hardly move but i went upstairs and sat down and she starting shouting at me for not getting up or folding my clothes properly, and i wasn't shouting back or anything i was so tired, and then she got really annoyed and she started throwing my clothes all over my room.
A week ago i was cooking and my parents were talking about something i forgot and they werent like shouting but they had an angry tone, and i got annoyed and i was so overwhelmed i just ran out of the kitchen, then my dad came to my room and started shouting at me because i slammed the door when i didnt.
This happens like every other day over really small things, once i mumbled something in the car then said nevermind and my dad got so annoyed he started screaming at me and he stopped the car in the middle of the road to scream at me more.
And sometimes i do shout back at them but it's only because i picked it up from them, but i hate being shouted at because im really shy and introverted and during school time id get shouted at so much over something like not handing in homework and id cry myself to sleep.
I think they caused my depression because in like year 8/9 id get shouted at everyday instead of them just talking to me about the stuff i did wrong and id go to sleep or come into school feeling sh*t everyday
Maybe it's because we're all really stubborn but it's annoying because i just want to do what i want (eg going to bed without a shower bc i didnt even go outside that day) and theyll scream at me bc they have this idea of whats right and they have no other opinion or anything because its just me.
Earlier this year we had a huge argument over something really small and my dad started physically hurting me.
And they found out i'm gay a few weeks ago and they didnt shout but they were annoyed that i didnt tell them and they were like why do you never tell us anything, but i cant tell them things because im so uncomfortable around them because i feel like they dont respect me.

SilentVoices0178 July 26th, 2017

@drinkmythoughts That sounds a bit like my situation tbh, but my parents just use my sister and I for houseworks and then scream at us for 'being lazy all day'. Tbh, I don't even remember when was the last time they were nice to me. They started threatening us with taking away our stuff of we don't do something or won't help them renovate this stupid summer house they decided to buy for no reason whatsoever. They've been getting worse ever since I went to high school two years ago, I can barely do anything now that they don't think is wrong. And then they're wondering why we never talk with each other or why I have eating disorder, when they basically force me to eat.

But no family is perfect, eh?

blueocean45 July 27th, 2017

Thank you for reaching out and telling us a little about your story. Personally, I don't believe there is anything as "normal." Every family I know and have worked with is a very complex dynamic. I'm sorry to hear that all the shouting makes you feel like your depression is getting worse. I know that the yelling in my family caused me to be mentally unstable as well. It's likely that you may not play as big of a role in the frustration as your parents think. Unfortunately, we can't know that here because we don't know your parents. The bad news is, you can't force anyone to change. However, the good news is you can decide how to react. It's so so important that you take care of yourself when these things happen. It might be a good idea to look into self care ideas that might work for you :). I wish you the best of luck!

ambitiousTalker2046 July 28th, 2017

I am sorry that you are going through this.