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All over the place

HigherSelf6 February 29th, 2020

I am a mess right now crying constantly I have cried more in the last 2 weeks than i have in my entire life. I neglect my emotions all the time even now as im crying i am trying to stop myself but the tears keep flowing... I am trying to go sober and create a new life but i have 0 hope in the world and in 90% of humanity, all i see is vanity destruction and hate everywhere. I havent left my house in months i have only been outside about 10 times in the last 3 years. If it wasnt for my family i probably would already be dead by now, im not that clkose to them but i respect them too much to put them through the pain and suffering. I was only really close to my nan who sadly passed away years ago i miss her so much. This is so hard to send this message i find myself coming on this website now and then but get too anxious to talk to say anything and end up going off feeling even worse. Theres so much stuff going round and round in my head i feel like im losing my mind half the time, this is the thing what makes it actually worse i think the fact that i will be depressed for a while and then without really dealing with it or finding a solution i feel great all of a sudden but then i come crashing back down again i always trick myself that ive overcome it in the good moments and im creating a new plan to succeed but as i said it never lasts. Been noticing the patterns and trying to learn from past mistakes,for the longest time i was just numb and out of touch ive had enough i want change. Also 2 nights ago i sitting in my room lights off watching YT videosand my body went cold i got so scared i thought there was a demon in my room, i didnt see anything but i felt a presence behind me over my shoulder. Probably should mention that i have smoked weed since 14 up until now (23) i have quit about 5 or 6 times in that time but when smoking i smoked every day and was high basically all day, only other drug ive took is shrooms once (apart from alcohol and tobacco) but i took way too much and i think it done more damage than good although at the time i was convinced it done me the world of good actually wondering if it had triggered a manic episode as ive done lots of research and heard of it happening to people who have family with history of schizophrenia (my great uncle had it may god rest his soul) But yea as you can probably tell my mind is all over the place, i dont want anyone to feel like they have to burden this i know its a lot its ok i dont expect anything from anyone i have been dealing with most of this on my own for years anyway i just need a 'safe space' where i can unload it even if no one sees it, its better out than in as they say. God bless you all

DesultoryTh0ught February 29th, 2020

@HigherSelf6 - welcome, Ive had times like that myself (I have been dealing with it lately even). I dont think you should worry about burdening people as everyone is evidently here to help each other but it can be very hard to unravel our thoughts when they get messy and tangled. Do you know what might be causing or contributing to/driving your depression and sadness? I am sorry for your loss but you also implied you were dealing with these problems before that so I am sure that was devastating but I am wondering what else might have caused you to feel this way?

HigherSelf6 OP March 1st, 2020

@DesultoryTh0ught thanks for the reply and hope you are doing well. Today i feel a lot better i have been trying to reconnect with god, my nan was a christian and i used to go church with her on a sunday but personally always skeptic about religion (now starting to think i was skeptical about mainstream religion and never understood religion), but recently the past few years i feel it may be that i have been trying to understand psychology and the spiritual realm too much and neglected my soul and body and has knocked me off balance but i have had problems before this as well i honestly cant knuckle down what the root is right now but if i remember correctly i started feeling disconnected with my body and surroundings when i was about 17/18 and since then things have gotten worse progressively. I stayed in my own lane mentally so to speak (never strayed from my beliefs) but never really dealt with my problems I never opened up to anyone or never took any medication but for me thats not even the biggest problem for me right now, recently in the last few years i have meditated a lot and tried making multiple lifestyle changes like a monk and i feel i may have been sucked into 'new age spirituality' and i would feel so terrible if anyone would even say something remotely 'negative' to me and would call them an 'energy vampire' or a 'bot' and i think thats my biggest issue at this moment in time, i have been praying to jesus for forgiveness and i just hope he can forgive me. Also recently i have quit smoking weed and stopped occasional bad habits like alcohol (also things like cutting down on meat, nofap/semen retention) so maybe that is contributing to the emotions i am feeling right now they may just be pouring out as i have neglected them for many years now and kept a lid on them, i have noticed that while upset if i see anything about my nan i will just want to cry so maybe i havent dealt with that properly too, but yea i think theres many things contributing and i dont know what the root cause is i just remember at first i stopped wanting to go outside and communicate with people, i always was an anxious person but i never gave it any thought i used to just use my intuition in every situation never second guessing things just going with the flow, now to think of it i became very conscious of everything and started to lose my ability to get stuff done naturally (even things like breath control at one point i felt like i couldnt breathe and passed out, never went hospital or doctors about it as well as i was scared that the doctor would make me worse, my mum did tell my family doctor though) as i would think before doing anything and as said before i would never give any thought to anything i was just a shoot first ask questions later kind of guy. But yea i will stop here as i am probably waffling a bit too much, i appreciate you taking the time to reply, hope you find your own peace, god bless

reliableBalloon2268 February 29th, 2020
