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A body struggling to survive with a mind desiring to die. Part 1.

User Profile: Andrei2090
Andrei2090 January 10th, 2016

Now that you look for it, searching through the infinite blocks of memory that spread like a never-ending web of patterns, emotions and thoughts, it cannot be found:

That moment when you stepped ahead but your foot never touched a foundation. The second you dropped into the abyss of overthinking your actions and sense of purpose. The time you made the mistake of attempting to quantify your value.

The day you fell into Depression.

Not even your brain recognized that crucial twist when monoamine oxidase A began overproducing, breaking down your serotonine, norepinephrine and dopamine.

And thus it started: the birth of your second shadow.

Slowly you begin thinking more about what you do, balancing options more often than necessary. You debate right and wrong to extents that surpass ethical and legal measures placed by the modern society. You suddenly develop a higher curiosity towards philosophy and its work on the "meaning" of everything. On your meaning.

You never anticipated it. It was just an extra habit: balancing things more and more. You never thought it was wrong, debating your existence.

Until, you hit that wall: So in the end, nothing REALLY matters now does it?

In that moment you recognize the voice that guided you through it all. You finally see the shadow that grew and fed on those small actions. It begins whispering in your ear, thinking about the same things you do, but giving you a different answer for everything:

You: "Maybe I should make new friends"

It: "They will not like you anyways. What if they hate you?"

You: "I will begin working out"

It: "Does it really change anything?"

You: "I will study for a new degree."

It: "Are you really smart enough? Maybe you will just embarass yourself"

It will not stop no matter what. It is the assassin who targets your every idea, your every decision. The darkness that engulfs your every new spark and the cliff ocean that absorbs your every warm emotion.

But you fight.

Depression: the moment you are too cold to even tremble. When your will to even consider a new spark, let alone give it a try, left you. It got taken away by this shadow.

But you struggle.

You become nothing. You feel like nothing. You push away your friends and loved ones because you feel like YOU do not deserve their warmth. You do not leave your room because you feel like you have no reason to do so. All you loved to do before becomes meaningless.

But you still push forward.

You degrade faster and faster, trying to find a way out before the clock hits midnight and the world you have left is taken away from you.

You stop.

How naive you have become, without realizing that you were swimming deeper, hoping to break the surface.

But you try. You try for years. One more time. JUST ONE MORE! Again, and again, and again.

You become numb, blinded by lack of purpose and value. Your hatred towards yourself, even that gets taken away. You are cold. Nothing matters anymore.

Yet in that moment, you realize one thought: It still hurts.

Tha pain of this downwards spiral. The agony, the misery.

Why are they still there if you are with no purpose and value? Why do you still DARE to feel this?

If you still hurt, you still recognize pain, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, it can become a compass. The poisoned dagger that stabbed your heart. It still hurts. Maybe you can find it, Maybe you can, if not find the dagger, at least locate its handle.

Maybe you can use the pain to find the wound.

But then the second question arises: Will you pull it out to heal it, or let yourself bleed out?

Healing is difficult and painful. Do you still have the strenght to do so? You could just let it all go, painlessly. Not like anyone will notice. Not like you matter.

But even so, you begin to look for the weapon that started it all. And so, you make your first mistake, right at the beginning of the search: You open up to the ones closest to you. Those who you knew, would not take your task serriously. Those who will mock your fight.

Usually that is the first time you hope to bleed out.

User Profile: Celaeno
Celaeno January 10th, 2016

@Andrei2090, that is a magnificent piece of writing. I love everything about your post - the flow of the narrative, the rawness, the inner dialogues, phrasing ("the birth of your second shadow" ❤️), the painful honesty regarding your experiences to which I immediately felt a deep understanding. I can recognize myself in so many of you sentences, and as much as it is painful, it is also beautiful.

You have a talent. Have you seen our 7 Cups of Tea Literature Club? I think there are some thread which might interest you. I hope to see more of your work around here. All my love!

User Profile: azureDog1999
azureDog1999 January 11th, 2016

It really related to me and how I feel it kinda helped little

User Profile: igetcha
igetcha January 12th, 2016

@Andrei2090 that's a really relatable description. Hope you feel better soon. I'm rooting for you

User Profile: Alone2myself
Alone2myself January 12th, 2016

I have tired many times to explain this and each time I failed. Finally I'm able to read this and say " This is me ! This is what I battle every day since I can remember. " I have felt alone in this battle for many years now . When I read the last part " Usually that is the first time you hope to bleed out" I got the sense of finally I'm understood. The day I hoped to bleed out was the day I couldn't take the pain inside and just wanted it out that I turned to self harming. People don't understand my scars but I would get a small sense of relief watching the blood fall to the floor. It was like the hurt was coming out . I haven't done this in 3 yrs because of the damage I was doing to myself . I was lucky that the next urge to get the hurt out I had money for a tattoo. I live every day with reminders on my arms of the hurt I carry. Some days I'm just so numb that I don't even want to breath . But I get up , I try the next day harder in hopes of one day being free from all the pain I carry . One day being able to smile cause I'm free.

3 replies
User Profile: Annie
Annie January 13th, 2016

Dear @Lostlovetx72, You're right--Andrei definitely provided an amazingly clear description, didn't he?! Many people don't understand -- but at least it's good to be able to come to 7 Cups and find people who get it.

Your description of self harm is sad but helpful. Thank you for sharing it. I remember when I first heard about cutting, years ago, I couldn't comprehend it. Since then I've taken the self-guided course on self-harm here at 7 Cups and talked with members about their experiences.

But one of the most enlightening things has been to read poetry submitted by 7 Cups members about self harm. (7 Cups Community Forum/7 Cups Literature Club/Our Original Poetry). These poets opened my eyes to their reality, and I'm very grateful for their courage and honesty in sharing.

I admire the progress you've made! Congratulations on three years without cutting. And more congratulations on getting up and trying every day. Sometimes that takes heroic bravery and effort, I know.

You're so AWESOME! I hope there are more and more days when you can smile.


2 replies
User Profile: Alone2myself
Alone2myself January 13th, 2016

Dear Annie

As I sit here in my vehicle just trying to erase the hurt I endured today . My mind went straight to get this pain out. In tears just thinking how I always come back to wanting to bleed it away. Something told me just to get on my 7cups app just start writing my pain away but when I logged in this popped up. Thank you . You don't know how much this meant to me. Just writing you this slowly started to ease my hurt, my frustrations and my darkness I feel. I'm trying , I'm doing my best . I actually giggled today and that felt strange but good. There is only one me so I have to find away to make it in this hurtful world I live in.

1 reply
User Profile: Annie
Annie January 13th, 2016

Dear Lovetx, I am SO PROUD of you -- choosing an outlet like writing, and coming to 7 Cups to share instead of a harmful way of releasing pain. BRAVO! You're doing an amazing job.

And thank you for the kind words, it means so much to know that the darkness was lightened a little.

There is always someone here at 7 Cups to chat, either in a private one-to-one chat or in a chat room -- or here in the community forum. smiley


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