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IronicSarcasm July 6th, 2016

Sometimes I feel like I have a million people in my head.

I feel empty, I an overloading with emotion, I do not love, I do not hate, I don't want to die, I want to die, I am shy, I am confident, I am a creative genius, I am incompetent and lazy, I worry, I am reckless, I love deeply, I hate furiously, I want to be alone, I want busy streets, constant fucking conflict and contradictions with myself.

professionalPerspective60 July 6th, 2016


Ahhh, sweetheart! It's such a horrible dark place to be in when we are doubting and criticising every feeling, thought and emotion we experience, I hope you know you have a whole community supporting you here if you ever need it? Stay strong lovely, you will find your way, keep hold of hope, one day you'll be looking back reading this and recognise just how far you have come.

Im rooting for you ❤️

IronicSarcasm OP July 6th, 2016


Thank-you, it means a lot!xxx

placidCity1574 July 6th, 2016

hi my name is jon i have had depression for 10 years also have autism cant cope very well need alot of support self harmed recently live in darkness dont see the light cry everyday