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16 years old, depressed and sometimes feel suicidal!

Ikra7998 December 13th, 2014

I have had depression for 6 months. School knows and I went to [moderator edited to remove personal info], I gotdischarged after a few appointments. There is one teacher I trust, and that is [moderator edited]. I don't know what to do, sometimes I feel suicidal too. Help!frown

aquaDime62 December 13th, 2014

Did ur depression get triggered by something? Try to talk to parents about seeing a therapist.

Ikra7998 OP December 13th, 2014

I am not close with my parents at all! There was this time I felt suicidal at school, I came home and my mum said take these and kill yourself! I trust my English teacher more than them

aquaDime62 December 13th, 2014

Oh gosh that is awful. I can't believe ur mum said that. Do u have any other trusted friends or relatives u can talk to? What about a school counsler? U have to talk to somebody. I am also depressed and had some sucidal thoughts but I know the reason because my boyfriend and I broke up and I am heartbroken and I started seeing a therapist. Can u see a therapist?

Ikra7998 OP December 13th, 2014

No, don't think I can. Haven't got a school counsellor, but could go see my English teacher about itsmiley My parents are absolutely awful to me, I hate them. I really don't know what to do!!

aquaDime62 December 14th, 2014

Well u can talk to me when I am on here. Do u know why ur depressed? Is it because of ur parents?

Ikra7998 OP December 14th, 2014

No, I don't have a clue why I am depressed to be perfectlyhonest with you. Children and adolescents mental health support didn't exactly help. My parents are making my life 10x worse then it normally would be. Me wanting to end my life also happens really often, i feel like wanting to do it a lot. It doesn't matter where I am, I would still want to commit. Its ruining my life!

AquaticDreamer December 14th, 2014

And this

AquaticDreamer December 14th, 2014

What makes you hesitate every time listen dnt u have anything to be happy about think about it deep insid u must have :)

Ikra7998 OP December 14th, 2014

Erm, hello. I don't think we've spoken to each other before? I'm Ikra

toughwater73 December 20th, 2014

Hello , I'm hoping this is a new post to your thread as the small writing was getting hard for me to read ^^ If your school doesn't have a counsellor, could you perhaps go and see your Dr? They could refer you for counselling or tell you charities or things that could help. For example in the UK we have the samaritans. You could ask a friend to go with you if you were scared, and if you don't think it would be useful for your mum or dad to go with you. Or perhaps a sibling? The first port of call for me was my gp because I was too scared and didn't know where else to look for help. Otherwise it may help talking to some of the listeners on here. I hope you manage to find help soon :)

Ikra7998 OP December 20th, 2014

Hiya, I am inthe UK. I have spoken to the samaritans but then I stopped, found that they weren't a great deal of help for me. I have asked my parents about going to see a doctor about it, but they said no, even though I was diagnosed by children and adolescents mental health support 7 months ago

Miracle December 20th, 2014

Hello thank you very much for being so open and honest with us.I am not sure if you might be able to speak to Kooth it doesn't cover the whole of the UK but is a little more like this site but focused on your age group

Ikra7998 OP December 20th, 2014

What parts of the UK does it cover? Yes I would like to get different people's views on my situation, so will give Kooth a try. I just don't know what to do, so confusedfrown

I am really stuck, my parents won't help me and I really need treatment for it. School knows but suppose that is not a great deal of help for when I am at home

Miracle December 20th, 2014

It's listed on the site I think ? I don't think they do Northern Ireland though and possibly Scotland I think it's mostly English to be honest but don't referenceme on that ;)

toughwater73 December 20th, 2014

You could try papyrus that is for younger people or mindo. Do you have a connexions near you? I'm sure you should be able to walk in there and ask. :)

toughwater73 December 20th, 2014


Miracle December 20th, 2014

Also try this (might be what the other poster was referring to ? But they have live chat and can link you up to local services that might be able to help)

Ikra7998 OP December 20th, 2014

How does it work? Can I chat online, one to one?

Miracle December 23rd, 2014

Kooth you can chat online and same with get connected but get connected links you up to local services it does not offer emotional support itself.

Ikra7998 OP December 20th, 2014

What arethey (Papyrus, young mind and connexions)? I am not too sure as to what it is they do, and what services they offer

toughwater73 December 21st, 2014

Papyrus is a service for young people who feel suicidal, you can text them and ring them. Mind is a website that had lots of advice and will be able to give you further advice, you can ring or email them and they have local shops you can walk into. Connexions is a place usually near the high street that young people can go to to get help from nearly anything I think. We have them in the south I don't know about anywhere else. They can give advice and refer you I think. I hope this is useful.

Ikra7998 OP December 20th, 2014

Alright, thank you everyone for your suggestions! Please keep them coming in, i still need your helpyes

Ikra7998 OP December 21st, 2014

Toughwater73 - yes it is extremelyuseful, thank you. Do you, or anyone else, have any other tips or advise for me?

toughwater73 December 21st, 2014

I don't want to suggest anything that could make things worse for you. I really think being able to talk to someone will help. The samaritans have helped me a lot, but you said that you have tried them. I would go to the GP anyway, but don't want to suggest that for you. Perhaps your school will have a few more ideas as well. Sorry I can't be of more help! you can email all of these organisations as well. If you felt very suicidal, and had no one to ring you could always ring 111.

Ikra7998 OP December 22nd, 2014

Thank you toughwater73 for your suggestions.Icould see a GP but I have the problem of my parents. There is no chance that they will let me see a GP about it, they refuse to acknowledge there is anything wrong with me! I could see a GP on my own, but I am not sure how to go without my parents finding outsurprise

toughwater73 December 22nd, 2014

Okay :) sorry I can't be of more help!

Ikra7998 OP December 26th, 2014

So I should ask school if they have any ideas? And it's okay, you are help

Lifesupport December 22nd, 2014

I would suggest you to have a talk with your English teacher because it makesyou feelsafe,confident and loved.If it's possible try to take hisphonenumber and call himwhen you feel suicidal or depressed.

Ikra7998 OP December 23rd, 2014

My English teacher isa woman, hahaha!smiley But i still am really confused as to what to do. It is already the christmas holidays here in the UK, so i am not at school

Ikra7998 OP December 23rd, 2014

But youare not wrong there, talking to her does make me feel safe, confident and like I actually have someone to talk to, also that I don't have to go through anything alone

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