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💕What do you love💕about yourself?💕

juliak1968 February 17th, 2020

I love that Im still kind even after life has mistreated me

juliak1968 OP May 31st, 2020


Hello, They call me Day on this site, its great to meet you! A few things you said rang a bell in my head and id like to try to shed some positive light and my opinion because from my point of veiw; you may be being manipulated and controled by the person that you love. This world has wonderful people like you in it and then there are users, they are so crafty at first you cant see it happening. You know somethings wrong..right? You loose sleep trying to figure it out...right? Thats juust one of the differences between us who care, and those who dont care but only use never loose any sleep; nor do they care about all the suffering we do. They systmatically break us down until we have nothing left. We donnt have the emotional strength to even see we are not whats wrong.....they are!!

Self care, and knowing you will soon come out of this feeling good again about yourself. You will turn your sadness into anger towards those users, and creattively overcome this and fully restore your self-worth, confidence, and after learning how to sot a user; you can trust again.

Give yourself some great self care and believe in yourself again. I just know you are a victom. I was recently where you are right now. Surround yourself with great 7cups freinds and try to have some me time, a movie, standup comedy, online learning about ptsd and focus on tge good things. Pray for calm, peace, and take care of you so you can get back all that somebody is stealibg from your heart and soul.😊👍

Svedex June 1st, 2020

I'm a pretty good looking dude, I make and release music, and I can be funny if I try.

doesn't take away from all my flaws, all my mistakes and regrets and how often I just feel fuckign terrible, but at least I have that

ivoryPeach1492 June 2nd, 2020

I love that I keep going every day, even when I feel like staying in bed and crying or just staring at the wall blankly.

juliak1968 OP June 2nd, 2020

I can make others laugh with me at our struggles, a good hearty laugh feels so good!

In the worst of times, just say:

"Good Times!"

juliak1968 OP June 2nd, 2020


Yes kindness is such a wonderful trait but we must protect this ability from the players that mistake our kindness for weakness. We must learn special skills to shut those grimey users down long before they start schemeing against us. I get too emotionall angry when i let it build and build up as users are not even aware we see they're games loud and clear. But if we cant fend them off early, we might over compinsate and hurt them and find ourselves in deep trouble. Being a kind loving person is worth fighting for but we must learn to not let it go that far

😁 Blessings

goodCherry5140 June 6th, 2020

I can see the happy little moments :)

Areum29 June 6th, 2020

@juliak1968 I love that I have a kind and caring nature also that I am able to remain hopeful in any situation. Sometimes its difficult to be hopeful but I can always find ways. :)

Areum29 June 6th, 2020

@juliak1968 I love that I have a kind and caring nature also that I am able to remain hopeful in any situation. Sometimes its difficult to be hopeful but I can always find ways. :)

Areum29 June 6th, 2020

@juliak1968 I love that I have a kind and caring nature also that I am able to remain hopeful in any situation. Sometimes its difficult to be hopeful but I can always find ways. :)

juliak1968 OP June 6th, 2020

@Areum29 I'm so happy you have developed such great skills. Unexpected situations test them along life's path, and it's so important to be ready to make adjustments and adapt. The thin branches bend in the wind and weather the storm, but the branches that are unable to bend can snap because they are to rigid. We need to be able to remain flexable optimistic hopeful brave and understanding. Than you for such a positive posting🖒😊

juliak1968 OP June 15th, 2020


I really liked what you wrote. Its very encouraging!👍😊

amusingCranberry1537 June 6th, 2020

I am empathic, kind, genuine, strong, and resilient. I have dealt with some incredibly difficult things in my life, but have somehow managed to continue along, one day at a time.

amusingCranberry1537 June 6th, 2020

I am empathic, kind, genuine, strong, and resilient. I have dealt with some incredibly difficult things in my life, but have somehow managed to continue along, one day at a time.

juliak1968 OP June 6th, 2020

@amusingCranberry1537 very nice outlook indeed, thank you for your uplifting post🖒😊

juliak1968 OP June 6th, 2020

I like my level of humility. The more I learn, the more I realize that I have so much more to learn.

" Be humble enough to know, there are many things you don't know you don't know", Day

juliak1968 OP June 6th, 2020

I love that my goal of supporting my freinds has been so mutually beneficial

passionateCup3122 June 6th, 2020

I love how I can move on and forgive anything....I love my purity....I love how spiritual I am ❤

passionateCup3122 June 6th, 2020

I love how I can move on and forgive anything....I love my purity....I love how spiritual I am ❤

juliak1968 OP June 7th, 2020


Hi, Thank you for such a great post! Yes, that's how its done. Hold onto that super-power and live love and laugh.

Never let the past take up space in your head from the present moment.

Enjoy the world and dont let any negative near you!


juliak1968 OP June 7th, 2020

🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟I love the great feeling I get when i connect souls with others and when lifting each other here on 7cups!



juliak1968 OP June 7th, 2020

I know we must learn to love ourselves and care for ourselves as much as we love and care for others

juliak1968 OP June 10th, 2020

I love having morals ethics and standards

RealTree3 June 11th, 2020

that i remain unbroken

TheLastDreamBender June 11th, 2020

I have dimples...

Linkenha August 16th, 2020

@TheLastDreamBender aaaaaaaadorable

serahhawke June 12th, 2020

I love that I can uplift people around me and make them feel better, despite my own hardships and struggles. I love putting a smile on other people's faces and get a laugh or two out of them when they're feeling bad. It makes me feel good that I can in fact help people who really need it.

serahhawke June 12th, 2020

I love that I can uplift people around me and make them feel better, despite my own hardships and struggles. I love putting a smile on other people's faces and get a laugh or two out of them when they're feeling bad. It makes me feel good that I can in fact help people who really need it.

juliak1968 OP June 12th, 2020

I love the fact I created this thread so we can all focus on the good talents, compassion, understanding, pateints, gifts we have. I love the new good feelings that comes from seeing the good in ourselves. I love all of you too!

Beachydreams5 June 12th, 2020

I love that no matter what happens in any part of my life, I did my best! And that if I don't necessarily end up with what or where I want to be, I know I'll keep trying my best!

juliak1968 OP June 12th, 2020

@Beachydreams5 🤗

juliak1968 OP June 14th, 2020

I love how much motivation I can find sometimes

juliak1968 OP June 15th, 2020

I love that i can give my best and get great insights from the people i interact with on 7cups.....and some quality people along life's paths.

Malikzadi June 15th, 2020

I love that I care passionately about those I get to interact with here, the progress I make with them encourages me to reach out to them to know how they are fairing. I am a happy person and I make people happy as well.

juliak1968 OP June 15th, 2020


Speaking of quality people: 😊 Hi, your timing is perfect and your kindness so apparent. Thank you for being a large part of the solution. Blessings, Day

juliak1968 OP June 15th, 2020

I love to be a part of good things happening to lift us all up

juliak1968 OP June 28th, 2020

I love that I take a second and third look at things so I'm making good decisions. Hopefully later I will get more confidence.

juliak1968 OP June 28th, 2020

Tell Us ---->💕What do you love💕about yourself?💕

juliak1968 OP June 28th, 2020

I love that I'm humble enough to know I need to keep an open mind in order to keep getting better. I've found that helping others is greatly helping me because we all give good advice, the secret is to learn to follow good advice.

iamroni June 29th, 2020

I love that no matter how old I get, I still keep a childlike curiosity and openmindedness. I know that everyone has their own struggles so I try to be compassionate toward people. I remember that most people don't know how deeply I hurt because I keep it inside so I can't be angry at the world. I love that I still try, remain tenaciou, and refuse to give up despite serious physical and mental challenges.

juliak1968 OP July 9th, 2020


? 😃