One thing I am feeling sad about today is....
I woke up feeling very alone today.
my depression
Right now I'm not feeling too sad. I just want the holidays to get done and over with.
I feel like my girlfriend is scared of our relationship.
@Laura it will soon be 5 months since my gma passed. and this is the year we were supposed to spend christmas day at her house... still dont know how to cope without her.
im sad that i let depression ruin my life.
Having to see my mother for the holidays
I feel sad that my Ex said she loved me and then broke up with me.
@Laurai can't do the most easy home chores
i thought this person was sincere but wasn't so usually i don't write these things but because i need to let it out I'm writing it A bore you such a bore the one thing you only talk about is a bore you are a human sleeping pill 💊 you that boring as for you she he you are such a rotten person i thought you were nice but you two only wanted to make a name for yourselves why couldn't you just let me think you were kind and sincere i was wrong