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My Story

GirlFalling October 16th, 2019

Hi. Hi everyone. My name is Tara and I'm going to share my story with whoever wants to read it.

I'm a 13 year old girl. My parents are wonderful, but busy all the time. My mom's a doctor and my dad works at a big company. I'm alone a lot. I got diagnosed with social anxiety. I had such severe anxiety that I started skipping lunch to avoid being near people and/or sitting alone and being shamed. This developed into full blown anorexia, and I started skipping all my other meals. This continued for a long time till I came clean to my parents. Well, not exactly. One day I just collapsed due to dehydration and malnutrition. I ended up in the ER. I have worked so hard to make sure it never happens again. I had to rebuild my diet and start eating.

And wait. That's not all. I also got diagnosed with separation anxiety which led to severe panic attacks. It was terrible. I had just started at my new school. I have a therapist, though. I see her thrice a week. Anyways. Panic attacks. So I was so wracked with nerves all the time. And then the depression started. I began losing feeling. Like I couldn't think of the last time I was happy. I couldn't think of anything I was good at. Positivity slowly wormed its way out of my life and this disease crept in. My parents took me to a doctor and I was diagnosed with clinical depression. I take medication for it every day. It's getting better but not so much. Another thing that happened was that I started SHing before my parents helped me. For a while I sneaked Ibuprofen (a pain killer) from the medicine cabinet because I wanted to feel numb. I don't know when it started. It's all blurry for me.

I joined 7Cups this year. It's helping, because I find a community of people who understand and care. I still get so angry at things. People (not my parents though) tell me I should be happy with what I have because my parents make a lot of money and I'm fortunate with other aspects of my life. What they don't understand is that depression is not a choice. It's not drama. It's not something that modern people have just generated for their own purposes. It's an illness. It's a poison. It's a disease that twists you from the inside out, tears you down, builds you back up just to break you from the inside again. It's no more than a simple chemical imbalance in your body. But it's much more than that.

And I will never forget what it did to me.

River October 20th, 2019


Hey, thank you so much for sharing this with us, this is inspiring in a lot of ways. I am glad to hear its getting a bit better, recovery is a process in lots of ways and I am glad to hear you are walking on that path. I am glad 7cups is helping you feel understood and cared. And sometimes people do fail to realise the situations in our life is not the reason for depression, people don't choose it but have to live with it without ther choice. The last two sentence you wrote speak volumes. Thanks for sharing this again, and would love to hear how everything is going on for you everynow and then if you want to. Take care, I hope you have nice day/night ahead.