I'm looking for some relatable songs for depression........ music helps me a lot, any recommendations? i say lost boy- ruth b :)
Never too late by three days grace!
'Perfect Blue Buildings' by the Counting Crows, 'No Children' by The Mountain Goats, 'Maybe Tomorrow' by the Stereophonics, 'Surgeon' by St.Vincent; the list goes on...
It is impossible for me to love just one song. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin, Working Class Hero by John Lennon(I like the Green Day version more), Hotel California by Eagles, Peace of Mind by Boston, Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, God I could count forever. But probably the best band for me is Iron Maiden! \|m|
A song that helped me a little bit with depression is Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides. (Really good song) If you look at the lyrics it has a powerful message!
Recovery and calm down wise I have found The Irrepressibles to be a wonderful band. Especially post anxiety/panic attack.
Just about anything from Ed Sheerans "+" album. Such a great album.
I know this might be a bit different, but some classical music such as Beethoven or Chopin is very relaxing and powerful, puts one into a much better mood.
Mad World by Gary Jules, Kettering by The Antlers, Sadie by Fences, Creep by Radio Head and When I'm Gone by Eminem are all good :)
Twenty One Pilots are amazing, their songs always end positively, they've helped me a lot :)
Till I collapse by Eminem :)